The Bills propose setting up polling stations within nursing homes

The Bills also propose setting up special polling stations within nursing homes, and deploying mobile polling teams for nursing home residents to vote from their beds. Various factors, such as the number of voters in these nursing homes and the availability of suitable spaces, will be considered in its implementation.

Overseas postal voting, polling stations for nursing homes among proposed changes to election laws

In his reply, Mr Chan observed that the Covid-19 pandemic highlighted two issues in Singapore's electoral landscape.

First, that the electorate is ageing rapidly - with 21 per cent of registered voters aged 65 and above in 2020, compared with 14 per cent in 2011.

The number of overseas Singaporeans who registered to vote has also gone up, from 3,500 in 2011 to 6,500 in 2020.

ELD is thus looking at allowing some nursing home residents to cast their votes from where they live, similar to what was done for voters serving stay-home notices in hotels.

Maximise the votes, election is coming

Quite a lot elderly mind is " unclear " Some even still think LKY around.

Worst , surely the nursing home nurse will help the elderly " to vote " push them to the polling station to vote.

who knows the " nurse tell the elderly , go tick that box got thunder one "

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