Sisters scammed of $1,250 on Carousell after wanting to buy iPhone for mum

The two students dug deep into their savings, accumulated over a few years through selling old textbooks and working part-time during the holidays.

The two students dug deep into their savings, accumulated over a few years through selling old textbooks and working part-time during the holidays.

Though she initially declined and requested a face-to-face transaction, the deal was sealed when the seller promised that she would receive the phone the next day.

Why still got dumbfarks buying from a confirmed scammers website?

Take a photo of the order and have a face-to-face meeting to see the product.

Really foolish sisters. You think their mum will be happy to receive the iPhone which her daughters got it from scamming.

“Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind"

Confirm tio scam by Tiongs.

Tiongs would rather keep the iphone for themselves. It’s a precious commodity in China.

This carchngsell is US scammer website....cannot trust lah.

Heng....aaaah, always pokkai have no money for scammers.

Better avoid Carousell completely until they purge and arrest all the scammers hiding there. .... Big Grin

 Thinking is difficult, that's why most people judge
                    Carl Jung

The family tried enlisting the help of the police twice, but were told it would be impossible to track the culprit.

Police so useless even at this age and time?

Why the telcos and the banks cannot trace the contact numbers of these scammers? If the registered contact number is from eg singtel, surely singtel will have the name and details of such person. All banks must implement some kind of delay of up to 3 days in order for such paynow transfer if it involves online payments. Telcos should create a pool of scam numbers so that anyone can call in to check its genuinety. In its eagerness to get a Billion$ valuation Carousel throws caution out of the window. Carousel should compensate for any scammed losses for genuine purchases. While all of us have to be very alert the scammers are always at least 2 steps ahead of us in their devious plot.

If There is no guarantee that u can recover your money once scammed
Better be careful

No weapons that forms against me shall prosper
No tongue that rises against me I shall condemn 

High time authorities think few steps forward by setting up some calling centre to check on all those scammers' contact numbers. Hopefully before anyone use paynow, etc get to check the numbers, payee's names, bank names, bank account numbers etc. This setup will ease police having to accommodate so many reporting cases.

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