MRT : We really need to fine people who refuse to put bags on floor

This morning I took mrt to do some hiking  at Bukit Timah.
To my dismay the trains were all packed like sardines. Because I arranged to meet someone for the hike, I had to get on mrt so that I won't be late.

See many inconsiderate people carrying their work bagsand back packs disobeying the sign to put their bags on the floor
[Image: GF3AM2P.jpg]

If you don't put your bag on the floor when the train is packed it will press against other commuters and there is less space.

This behavior cannot be acceptable.

I, being poor, have only my dreams; I have spread my dreams under your feet; Tread softly because you tread on my dreams.
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But if all put bags on the floor no standing space for legs, also good chance for biantai to hide camera in bag in order to shoot upskirt photos.

疫苗可以不打, 手枪一定要打!
疫苗可以不注射, 精子一定要远射!

they should make more hooks to hang the bags
becos cannot put bags on the floor
and have to carry the bags on a moving train is tiring

smrt..u world class ah

If we can ban bubble gum and durian in train, we can ban anything. Just talk to iswaran.

just need to ban foreigners/PRs in MRT during peak hours to have more space for Singaporeans.

PAP has over imported foreigners/PRs and MRT has become overcrowded.

(04-04-2023, 09:46 AM)forum456 Wrote:  just need to ban foreigners/PRs in MRT during peak hours to have more space for Singaporeans.

PAP has over imported foreigners/PRs and MRT has become overcrowded.


Is that what SDP will do if they are ic?

Thats right. Should arrest and cuffed in detention along next to the train doors glass wall panels to be gawked at.

Go get yourself a car!
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Everybody is looking at the mobile phones with two arms raised up like a kkj. That is taking up space.

(04-04-2023, 09:48 AM)cityhantam Wrote:  Wow!

Is that what SDP will do if they are ic?

if public hospitals and public transport are overcrowded and PAP cannot build enough to support foreigners/PRs, PAP should not over import

if public hospitals are overcrowded, do you give priority to  a Singaporean or a foreigner/PR who are both critically ill ?

(04-04-2023, 09:46 AM)forum456 Wrote:  just need to ban foreigners/PRs in MRT during peak hours to have more space for Singaporeans.

PAP has over imported foreigners/PRs and MRT has become overcrowded.

If you do that, sinkies will for sure have plenty of space.  You can even dance a cha cha or do a waltz in the cabin.

Easily, 7 out of 10 passengers are not local.

Do not think they are sinkies just because most of them look like us.  They are:

1. Malaysians
2. Chinese
3.  Burmese (a lot of them look like us)
4.  Vietnamese (a lot also look like us because their laupeh came from China)

Floor is dirty might forget to take bag when alighting 
Put it on head like kacang puteh man

No weapons that forms against me shall prosper
No tongue that rises against me I shall condemn 
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(04-04-2023, 09:48 AM)cityhantam Wrote:  Wow!

Is that what SDP will do if they are ic?

in changi business park, out of 10 working people there, 7 to 8 of them are CECA.

changi business park is over crowded with foreigners/PRs.
if you take MRT there, Singaporeans will be outnumbered by foreigners/PRs, there will be no space for Singaporeans in MRT !

(04-04-2023, 09:55 AM)Oyk Wrote:  If you do that, sinkies will for sure have plenty of space.  You can even dance a cha cha or do a waltz in the cabin.

Easily, 7 out of 10 passengers are not local.

Do not think they are sinkies just because most of them look like us.  They are:

1. Malaysians
2. Chinese
3.  Burmese (a lot of them look like us)
4.  Vietnamese (a lot also look like us because their laupeh came from China)

I welcome foreigners/PRs if we have excess space/jobs for them.

in reality, good jobs are taken by foreigners/PRs because PAP do not or cannot train enough Singaporeans for the good jobs.

look at the recent jobs which PAP reserves for EP to gain points in MOM list, they are well paid jobs.
but PAP prefers to import foreigners/PRs for these jobs instead of training Singaporeans for these jobs.

before PAP imports more foreigners/PRs, PAP should ask if we have enough jobs or MRT space for Singaporeans ?

(04-04-2023, 10:05 AM)forum456 Wrote:  I welcome foreigners/PRs if we have excess space/jobs for them.

in reality, good jobs are taken by foreigners/PRs because PAP do not or cannot train enough Singaporeans for the good jobs.

Reality : Singaporeans are not giving birth to enough children lah!

So many schools have already closed down due to lack of students!

(04-04-2023, 08:37 AM)sgbuffett Wrote:  This morning I took mrt to do some hiking  at Bukit Timah.
To my dismay the trains were all packed like sardines. Because I arranged to meet someone for the hike, I had to get on mrt so that I won't be late.

See many inconsiderate people carrying their work bagsand back packs disobeying the sign to put their bags on the floor
[Image: GF3AM2P.jpg]

If you don't put your bag on the floor when the train is packed it will press against other commuters and there is less space.

This behavior cannot be acceptable.

So, even the floor is dirty, have to put on floor?   


(04-04-2023, 10:09 AM)cityhantam Wrote:  Reality : Singaporeans are not giving birth to enough children lah!

So many schools have already closed down due to lack of students!

there are not enough good IT jobs for current population.

in a recent govt IT job programme, there are 4000 singaporeans apply for 700 vacancies.
in another recent govt IT job programme, there are 800 singaporeans apply for 22 vacancies.

if you were to ban foreigners/PRs, there will be enough vacancies for the 4000 singaporeans !

(04-04-2023, 09:02 AM)ODA TETSURO Wrote:  But if all put bags on the floor no standing space for legs, also good chance for biantai to hide camera in bag in order to shoot upskirt photos.
Best is to placed on the lap. But, if there are so many bags especially bot from super mart, then it wud be difficult to place on lap. Best that they bring along a trolley if expected to buy so many things.

(04-04-2023, 10:17 AM)forum456 Wrote:  there are not enough good IT jobs for current population.

in a recent govt IT job programme, there are 4000 singaporeans apply for 700 vacancies.
in another recent govt IT job programme, there are 800 singaporeans apply for 22 vacancies.

if you were to ban foreigners/PRs, there will be enough vacancies for the 4000 singaporeans !

Not true lah!

I know of a young man about 30 now. He is already getting 5 figure monthly salary!

You are outdated liao!

(04-04-2023, 09:58 AM)Lukongsimi Wrote:  Floor is dirty might forget to take bag when alighting 
Put it on head like kacang puteh man

A bag is meant to protect what is in the that jts not exposed to what is outside. A bag us meant to keep.contents clean not the bag clean.

Just wipe the bag after u put on the floor. 

It is ridiculous to put on the head.

I, being poor, have only my dreams; I have spread my dreams under your feet; Tread softly because you tread on my dreams.

(04-04-2023, 10:35 AM)cityhantam Wrote:  Not true lah!

I know of a young man about 30 now. He is already getting 5 figure monthly salary!

You are outdated liao!

below confirms 800 singaporeans for 22 vacancies in 2023
Step IT Up x Temus | Application 2023

(04-04-2023, 10:35 AM)cityhantam Wrote:  Not true lah!

I know of a young man about 30 now. He is already getting 5 figure monthly salary!

You are outdated liao!

One example = evidence?

The young man can represent the majority?

I, being poor, have only my dreams; I have spread my dreams under your feet; Tread softly because you tread on my dreams.

(04-04-2023, 10:44 AM)sgbuffett Wrote:  One example = evidence?

The young man can represent the majority?

He is in the circle. He knows many more. 

He also knows the job market well as he has worked with 4 different companies.

Do you have credible data to prove me wrong?

(04-04-2023, 10:39 AM)forum456 Wrote:  below confirms 800 singaporeans for 22 vacancies in 2023
Step IT Up x Temus | Application 2023

Many just tikam tikam only lah!

I never carry bag only my laptop, and I place it on the floor

(04-04-2023, 10:05 AM)forum456 Wrote:  I welcome foreigners/PRs if we have excess space/jobs for them.

in reality, good jobs are taken by foreigners/PRs because PAP do not or cannot train enough Singaporeans for the good jobs.

look at the recent jobs which PAP reserves for EP to gain points in MOM list, they are well paid jobs.
but PAP prefers to import foreigners/PRs for these jobs instead of training Singaporeans for these jobs.

before PAP imports more foreigners/PRs, PAP should ask if we have enough jobs or MRT space for Singaporeans ?

You are too simpur minded.  I don't wish to say you lack critical thinking this time round.  Rolleyes

(04-04-2023, 08:37 AM)sgbuffett Wrote:  This morning I took mrt to do some hiking  at Bukit Timah.
To my dismay the trains were all packed like sardines. Because I arranged to meet someone for the hike, I had to get on mrt so that I won't be late.

See many inconsiderate people carrying their work bagsand back packs disobeying the sign to put their bags on the floor
[Image: GF3AM2P.jpg]

If you don't put your bag on the floor when the train is packed it will press against other commuters and there is less space.

This behavior cannot be acceptable.

blame yourselves not others for not driving a car.

(04-04-2023, 10:44 AM)sgbuffett Wrote:  One example = evidence?

The young man can represent the majority?

I understand from some members who knew you from the old CNA forum that you are close to 40, or already a little over, and you do some online selling and give private tuition for a living.

High time for you to go out and work and mix with adults, and not students, teaching them Sec 1 history. 

You think peepur are overspending when they eat at restaurants, which you can see with your own eyes at shopping malls?  You think parents bleed to death, to give their kids so much money to drink BBT or eat $8-9 meals at MacD?  No man.  They are spending within their means.  Well within.

You are really living in a world of your own, and getting your misinformation from reading forum posts. while a lot of the comments are half truths and outright lies.

If anybody is out of touch with the ground, it is not PAP.  It is you.  You keep looking at the bottom 5% and we will ALWAYs have them, which your master keeps showing you and cannot see that the vast majority of Singaporeans are living well.

(04-04-2023, 11:02 AM)limpeh394 Wrote:  I never carry bag only my laptop, and I place it on the floor

I see.

So you don't put your laptop inside a bag.  You simply put it on the floor.  If someone reports to station that a mysterious looking black bag is seen inside the cabin, you will NEVER be asked to open your bag.  Why?  You don't have one!  And the forking policeman can see that yours is a laptop because it's on the floor without a bag!  Rolleyes

(04-04-2023, 08:37 AM)sgbuffett Wrote:  This morning I took mrt to do some hiking  at Bukit Timah.
To my dismay the trains were all packed like sardines. Because I arranged to meet someone for the hike, I had to get on mrt so that I won't be late.

See many inconsiderate people carrying their work bagsand back packs disobeying the sign to put their bags on the floor
[Image: GF3AM2P.jpg]

If you don't put your bag on the floor when the train is packed it will press against other commuters and there is less space.

This behavior cannot be acceptable.

Bag put on floor will also block walking space wat. If train is crowded then wait for next one. Why die die must squeeze in leh?

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