doctor debunks BBC debunks Ivermectin

you can go ask a journalist if u hAVE COVID IF U SUSPECT U HAVE

In science correlation does not equal causation.
Much of the proof or disproof is based on correlation in uncontrolled settings.

I see sufficient interesting results to investigate further in fact since the drug is harmless and taken by hundreds of millions of people for anti parasite...there is only potential upside.

However the media and western authorities seen vehemently against it....something like smear campaign.

I, being poor, have only my dreams; I have spread my dreams under your feet; Tread softly because you tread on my dreams.

Wow the west are contradicting each other’s findings and yet they are able to accuse the covid 19 virus originated from China.

And many here are sure to jump along with the west in accusing China, while are quick to defend the west media’s report. How convenient….

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