FLG's "China Channels " of LIES and FAKE NEWS!

Don't trust "China channels" | How Chinese cult Falun Gong floods Youtube with anti-China propaganda

[+] 3 users Like cityhantam's post

FLG Huat ah!  Laughing Laughing Laughing


A 500-million-dollar business! America's state-sponsored anti-China propaganda

FLG Huat ah!  Laughing Laughing Laughing


FLG Huat big big ah!!!  Laughing Laughing Laughing


US goes further to spend $300 million annually smearing China
FLG Huat big big ah!!!  Laughing Laughing Laughing

[Image: EPOCH-Media-Group-01.png]

[Image: EPOCH-Media-Group-02.png]


[Image: EPOCH-Media-Group-03.png]

[Image: EPOCH-Media-Group-04.png]

[Image: EPOCH-Media-Group-05.png]

(27-05-2023, 07:19 PM)cityhantam Wrote:  FLG Huat ah!  Laughing Laughing Laughing


A 500-million-dollar business! America's state-sponsored anti-China propaganda

FLG Huat ah!  Laughing Laughing Laughing



How much can they make? Each post 二毛,one day must post a few hundreds?

Seems like ccp very scared of them

(27-05-2023, 09:16 PM)pinklion Wrote:  Seems like ccp very scared of them

USD 500 million and USD 300 million every year!

Very powderful hor!  Laughing

(27-05-2023, 09:23 PM)cityhantam Wrote:  USD 500 million and USD 300 million every year!

Very powderful hor!  Laughing

Seems to be.. I see ccpibs very fearful of them

Ccp very scared of ermaos, ermaos very scared of hongmaos, hongmaos very scared of ccp. It's a cycle
[+] 1 user Likes WhatDoYouThink!'s post

(27-05-2023, 09:33 PM)WhatDoYouThink! Wrote:  Ccp very scared of ermaos, ermaos very scared of hongmaos, hongmaos very scared of ccp. It's a cycle

Laughing nudie Clapping Rotfl

(27-05-2023, 07:19 PM)cityhantam Wrote:  FLG Huat ah!  Laughing Laughing Laughing


A 500-million-dollar business! America's state-sponsored anti-China propaganda

FLG Huat ah!  Laughing Laughing Laughing


So much many?  nudie

(27-05-2023, 09:33 PM)WhatDoYouThink! Wrote:  Ccp very scared of ermaos, ermaos very scared of hongmaos, hongmaos very scared of ccp. It's a cycle

Nothing to be afraid of ccp if u see those people who support ccp in this forum you know they are jokes already ahhah

(28-05-2023, 03:05 AM)pinklion Wrote:  Nothing to be afraid of ccp if u see those people who support ccp in this forum you know they are jokes already ahhah

Cityhantam and Twinkle07 are AMDK kukujiao suckers.
They listen to Putin propagandas and they support Russia and they enjoy watching Putin making love to Xi Jinping.

TS earn $9000 trillion Russian Roubles for licking AMDK Putin and Karl Marx's nipples everyday.  Clapping nudie
[+] 1 user Likes Jericho75's post

Amdk arse lickers stooge’s proudly take over liao sucking licking extremely hard hard hor declared Amdk arse tasty hor cheo kau peng hor
https://media.tenor.com/Ode-9zO_buwAAAAM/no-you.gif https://media.tenor.com/ZQZJQaLqctkAAAAM/lol-hahaha.gif

Another FLG lover!



Complimentary copy delivered to my doorstep!  Rotfl

[Image: IMG-20230529-111705-edit-31133812193165.jpg]


That stupid Grotesque, oyk and all from FLG

[+] 1 user Likes Niubee's post

that bastard child Niubee and his faggot wumaos gangs are always full of 胡说,乱说,废话 瞎说
[+] 1 user Likes grotesqueness's post

(29-05-2023, 11:30 AM)grotesqueness Wrote:  that bastard child Niubee and his faggot wumaos gangs  are always full of 胡说,乱说,废话 瞎说

[Image: IMG-2353.jpg]

All Falun Gong’s followers agenda are very Evil and very Dark one
[+] 1 user Likes Fleetdestroyer's post

thank you for bringing to our attention these fake news site

[+] 1 user Likes pervertosan's post

(29-05-2023, 02:20 PM)pervertosan Wrote:  thank you for bringing to our attention these fake news site


Show proof! Credible proof!


How The Epoch Times Created a Giant Influence Machine

Since 2016, the Falun Gong-backed newspaper has used aggressive Facebook tactics and right-wing misinformation to create an anti-China, pro-Trump media empire.

For years, The Epoch Times was a small, low-budget newspaper with an anti-China slant that was handed out free on New York street corners. But in 2016 and 2017, the paper made two changes that transformed it into one of the country’s most powerful digital publishers.

The changes also paved the way for the publication, which is affiliated with the secretive and relatively obscure Chinese spiritual movement Falun Gong, to become a leading purveyor of right-wing misinformation.

First, it embraced President Trump, treating him as an ally in Falun Gong’s scorched-earth fight against China’s ruling Communist Party, which banned the group two decades ago and has persecuted its members ever since. Its relatively staid coverage of U.S. politics became more partisan, with more articles explicitly supporting Mr. Trump and criticizing his opponents.

Around the same time, The Epoch Times bet big on another powerful American institution: Facebook. The publication and its affiliates employed a novel strategy that involved creating dozens of Facebook pages, filling them with feel-good videos and viral clickbait, and using them to sell subscriptions and drive traffic back to its partisan news coverage.

In an April 2017 email to the staff obtained by The New York Times, the paper’s leadership envisioned that the Facebook strategy could help turn The Epoch Times into “the world’s largest and most authoritative media.” It could also introduce millions of people to the teachings of Falun Gong, fulfilling the group’s mission of “saving sentient beings.”

Today, The Epoch Times and its affiliates are a force in right-wing media, with tens of millions of social media followers spread across dozens of pages and an online audience that rivals those of The Daily Caller and Breitbart News, and with a similar willingness to feed the online fever swamps of the far right.

It is a remarkable success story for Falun Gong, which has long struggled to establish its bona fides against Beijing’s efforts to demonize it as an “evil cult,” partly because its strident accounts of persecution in China can sometimes be difficult to substantiate or veer into exaggeration. In 2006, an Epoch Times reporter disrupted a White House visit by the Chinese president by shouting, “Evil people will die early.”

But the organization and its affiliates have grown, in part, by relying on sketchy social media tactics, pushing dangerous conspiracy theories and downplaying their connection to Falun Gong, an investigation by The Times has found. The investigation included interviews with more than a dozen former Epoch Times employees, as well as internal documents and tax filings. Many of these people spoke on the condition of anonymity because they feared retaliation, or still had family in Falun Gong.

Embracing Mr. Trump and Facebook has made The Epoch Times a partisan powerhouse. But it has also created a global-scale misinformation machine that has repeatedly pushed fringe narratives into the mainstream.


The publication has been one of the most prominent promoters of “Spygate,” a baseless conspiracy theory involving claims that Obama administration officials illegally spied on Mr. Trump’s 2016 campaign. Publications and shows linked to The Epoch Times have promoted the QAnon conspiracy theory and spread distorted claims about voter fraud and the Black Lives Matter movement. More recently, they have promoted the unfounded theory that the coronavirus — which the publication calls the “CCP Virus,” in an attempt to link it to the Chinese Communist Party — was created as a bioweapon in a Chinese military lab.


法轮大法,法力无边,天下无敌 宇宙第一! Rotfl

[Image: 1644343011832.jpg]


Don't worry CCP and CCP fanboys will flood back with more.lies to dilute the lies

I, being poor, have only my dreams; I have spread my dreams under your feet; Tread softly because you tread on my dreams.
[+] 1 user Likes sgbuffett's post

(08-06-2023, 05:55 AM)sgbuffett Wrote:  Don't worry CCP and CCP fanboys will flood back with more.lies to dilute the lies

They can't debate..that why they can only smear and create more lies.. These are pretty much CCP and Shittyhantum modus operandi

Laughter-13  Laughter-13


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