China: If they think that it is safe to drink or swim in Fukushima water...

let them drink and swim with it, within.

CCTV: According to reports, the IAEA chief has made controversial comments during his visit to the ROK and New Zealand. He said on several occasions that one could drink or swim in the “treated water” from Fukushima and that the “treated water” is as harmless as the water discharged from nuclear power plants in other countries. However, many nuclear experts, including those involved in the review, have recently expressed different views. What is your comment on this? 

If some people think that the nuclear-contaminated water from Fukushima is safe to drink or swim in, we suggest that Japan save the nuclear-contaminated water for these people to drink or swim in, instead of releasing it into the sea and causing widespread concerns internationally.

[Image: giphy.gif?cid=ecf05e47ut8plu316m78lg6kj2...y.gif&ct=g]


dump fukushima nuclear contaminated water into japan lakes not international water.

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