How to become a monk in Singapore?

Can anyone share how can i be a pracrtising theravada monk in Singapore? or in say Thailand or any country practising this theravada tradition?

I have gone for several meditation retreat and i have full faith in the pracrtise, 
i am googling , but it will be bettwer if u can share with me yr knowledge.

I will go temple to ask the monk too, but now i am eager to know, who knoww next week nvr come for me..
May u all be well and happy always,

Go Thailand
One of my relative is Thai once a while he go back Thailand become monk not sure how many months.

Than back in SG

First u need to stop trading, can do?

Watch youtube. Got online Monk.


You need to use joss stick  to burn 9 holes on your botak head first. Rotfl

“Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind"

(25-10-2023, 09:57 PM)Blasterlord2 Wrote:  First u need to stop trading, can do?

TBH,, i vested 10 yrs ago and in good profit, and even worse it go to zero, i wouldnt even care a single bit, cause i do not put all my money there.
i still got half my asset in property and bank account so on. ty.

i dont trade either, mostly i buy on dip and go long.

(26-10-2023, 06:50 PM)victortan Wrote:  TBH,, i vested 10 yrs ago and in good profit, and even worse it go to zero, i wouldnt even care a single bit, cause i do not put all my money there.
i still got half my asset in property and bank account so on. ty.

i dont trade either, mostly i buy on dip and go long.

For a start, go and watch Reverend Hai Tao's youtube videos.

there was a media cock DJ
who became a monk
to escape the pain of wife divorcing him
he tot just go to temple meditat
the pain will go away
it did not
3 mths after become a monk
he left the monastry
i think his name is Liu fa
then he became a youtuber cooking vegetarian dishes

ramtha once said
dont be fooled
the monastry order is just a 'penitentiary'

I have discuss with my family, There is 2 option, u see me dies here or do u prefer to see me leaving alive and go and practise spiritual cultivation thing i awlays dream of doing when i was young.

But infortunately i got married and that is a mistake, i dont want u to think i hv relationship issue, My kids are all well behave have good job. My wife is good.

I do not depend on them and they do not need me either, We are independent of one another, this i feel vy comfortable to leave now.
I am 72 hope not too old to practise, and i am fit too. I am of sound mind lest u think i m not.

it is only leaving then u can slowly detach from all attachment especially relationship.

i went for a 40 days retreat, for the first week i keep thinking abt home, loved one and then eventually they start to fade away with time and i feel so blissful, word cannot describe this,,

true cultivation start with disassociation with all worldly attachment, only then can one practise and achieve liberation..

may u all be well and happy.

i think that is why the Lord Buddha chose to leave his family, It is not an escape from life problem, It is part of the culitvation of the mind,

thank all. i have contact with a temple in Thailand and will leave in 2 mths time to let me settle all my asset and so on...

(26-10-2023, 07:02 PM)singaporean1964 Wrote:  there was a media cock DJ
who became a monk
to escape the pain of wife divorcing him
he tot just go to temple meditat
the pain will go away
it did not
3 mths after become a monk
he left the monastry
i think his name is Liu fa
then he became a youtuber cooking vegetarian dishes

ramtha once said
dont be fooled
the monastry order is just a 'penitentiary'

Becoming a monk is no escape from daily or relationship problem, he got the wrong preception. thus he fail badly. 

If u are interested, u shd give meditation a try and work hard at it for a while to see for yourself. The blissful state it bring,

(26-10-2023, 06:57 PM)Blasterlord2 Wrote:  For a start, go and watch Reverend Hai Tao's youtube videos.

I am gg the way of theravada tradition. They are mahayana.

(26-10-2023, 07:18 PM)victortan Wrote:  I am gg the way of theravada tradition. They are mahayana.

Hai Tao also has a wife and a son, earned plenty of money but still decided to be a monk because he felt that having these things have become a burden to him and he doesn't feel any happiness.

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