Any SGTALKER saw your primary , secondary school mates outside?

like after so many year never get in touch or lost touch.

Their life is better than you or yours better theirs?

(05-11-2023, 05:16 PM)[[ForeverAlone]] Wrote:  like after so many year never get in touch or lost touch.
Their life is better than you or yours better theirs?

We have a tendency to compare ourselves with those who are more fortunate.  However, whenever I bump into ex-classmates from primary, secondary or JC days, I realise that many of them are still staying in HDB units and rely on public transport.  I managed to upgrade to a condo and car, but imagined that some of my ex-classmates would be staying in landed homes and penthouses and driving luxurious continental cars by now.  The grass always seems greener on the other side indeed. We must learn to count our blessings.

(05-11-2023, 06:55 PM)EvertonDiehard Wrote:  We have a tendency to compare ourselves with those who are more fortunate.  However, whenever I bump into ex-classmates from primary, secondary or JC days, I realise that many of them are still staying in HDB units and rely on public transport.  I managed to upgrade to a condo and car, but imagined that some of my ex-classmates would be staying in landed homes and penthouses and driving luxurious continental cars by now.  The grass always seems greener on the other side indeed. We must learn to count our blessings.

when you say " end of the day every one will RIP , can't even bring the landed house , your luxury car whatever assets you earn , gain during your life time " look at LKY , recently China li keqiang etc people who got Power beside money also RIP end of the day cannot bring it along.

they will claim at least they left a lot asset , power down to their next gen and here we have LHL still PM , still continue his dad " lee family " connection behind and continue building it up .....

(05-11-2023, 07:01 PM)[[ForeverAlone]] Wrote:  when you say " end of the day every one will RIP , can't even bring the landed house , your luxury car whatever assets you earn , gain during your life time " look at LKY , recently China li keqiang etc people who got Power beside money also RIP end of the day cannot bring it along.
they will claim at least they left a lot asset , power down to their next gen and here we have LHL still PM , still continue his dad " lee family " connection behind and continue building it up .....

We came into this world naked, and we will leave without taking anything along with us.  However, that doesn't mean we cannot make our lives on earth - no matter how short - as comfortable as possible through hard work and being the best that we can be. 

(05-11-2023, 07:09 PM)EvertonDiehard Wrote:  We came into this world naked, and we will leave without taking anything along with us.  However, that doesn't mean we cannot make our lives on earth - no matter how short - as comfortable as possible through hard work and being the best that we can be. 

and you forget Smile ALONE Come to this world....and when time is coming is the same ALONE Left this world.

Unless one encounter freak accident, whereby a couple , lover both RIP leave together from this world...

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