A more accurate measure of unemployment rate needed

The Ministry of Manpower must adopt a more accurate measure of the unemployment rate in S'pore. The proportion of the adult labour force that is actively seeking employment, but is not presently engaged in productive work appears to be under-reported. Such data is estimated and based on surveys of a representative sample of households. 

These measures of economic activity in a dynamic economy are not without flaws, as they do not rely on data collected by the Central Provident Fund, Inland Revenue Authority of Singapore or even career centres operated by the community development councils.
To compound matters, displaced workers probably do not qualify for any financial assistance from the authorities, so the likelihood of them going under the radar is high.

Such methods of deriving statistics cannot accurately measure the intent of residents who are out of work.
[+] 1 user Likes EvertonDiehard's post

Statistics are used by govts to tilt views to their advantage. The govts probably have another set of results that they kept from the public.

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(21-02-2024, 10:41 PM)EvertonDiehard Wrote:  The Ministry of Manpower must adopt a more accurate measure of the unemployment rate in S'pore. The proportion of the adult labour force that is actively seeking employment, but is not presently engaged in productive work appears to be under-reported. Such data is estimated and based on surveys of a representative sample of households. 

These measures of economic activity in a dynamic economy are not without flaws, as they do not rely on data collected by the Central Provident Fund, Inland Revenue Authority of Singapore or even career centres operated by the community development councils.
To compound matters, displaced workers probably do not qualify for any financial assistance from the authorities, so the likelihood of them going under the radar is high.

Such methods of deriving statistics cannot accurately measure the intent of residents who are out of work.

all figure reported are i think not accurate..

if state 3% inflation u just multiply by 3, the figure will be likely correct.

u see gst increase 1% old chang kee go up 20c.. more than 10%..wtfxxk

(21-02-2024, 11:20 PM)Blasterlord2 Wrote:  Statistics are used by govts to tilt views to their advantage. The govts probably have another set of results that they kept from the public.

Govt do window dressing 👗

(22-02-2024, 12:03 AM)victortan Wrote:  all figure reported are i think not accurate..

if state 3% inflation u just multiply by 3, the figure will be likely correct.

u see gst increase 1% old chang kee go up 20c.. more than 10%..wtfxxk

Even if figures released were manipulated (some delayed/withhold reporting) for certain occasions, there's  nothing can be done.

No one can help those unemployed workers

You die your biz

Suddenly, sleeping beauty being awakened

Why now and not earlier?

more accurate measure of the......

farking PAP MOM

please dare to own up and admit

previous statistic is rigged and FAKED!

more accurate statistic is also Rigged and FAKED and misleading!

PAP does not have the courage to be Honest nor Transparent

They already wayang to cover up their BS

If they cannot be Honest, how to be capable??


Why do we need 5 Mayors and 80 PAP Ministers? 
[+] 1 user Likes Ola's post

(22-02-2024, 12:03 AM)victortan Wrote:  all figure reported are i think not accurate.. if state 3% inflation u just multiply by 3, the figure will be likely correct. u see gst increase 1% old chang kee go up 20c.. more than 10%..wtfxxk

The problem with data collection is that it places each person into a single category, such as the employed, unemployed or those not interested in re-joining the labour force. Based on such criteria, scores of people without jobs are not considered unemployed although they may still be actively looking for work.

(22-02-2024, 08:21 AM)Ola Wrote:  PAP does not have the courage to be Honest nor Transparent They already wayang to cover up their BS If they cannot be Honest, how to be capable?

Even though many retrenched workers have not given up seeking gainful employment, they may be classified as “discouraged workers”, who are either retired or no longer searching for jobs because of their prolonged state of unemployment. Professionals, managers and executives comprise approximately 75% of retrenched residents. Unsurprisingly, older PMEs find it more difficult to return to the workforce and may be jobless for a prolonged period of time. The longer these workers go without a job, the more their chances of landing an interview will diminish.
[+] 1 user Likes EvertonDiehard's post

(22-02-2024, 12:21 AM)Scythian Wrote:  Even if figures released were manipulated (some delayed/withhold reporting) for certain occasions, there's  nothing can be done. No one can help those unemployed workers You die your biz

In order to better assist residents to find suitable employment, MOM must find methodologies that can more accurately categorise and gauge S'pore’s labour resources. Our leaders must reduce the sheer number of foreigners flooding into our country and depriving citizens of attractive white collar jobs.

(21-02-2024, 11:20 PM)Blasterlord2 Wrote:  Statistics are used by govts to tilt views to their advantage. The govts probably have another set of results that they kept from the public.

Until MOH is able to more accurately categorise and gauge unemployed labour resources, the official level of unemployment will continue to be lower than the actual numbers. I guess that is what our Govt wants.

(22-02-2024, 08:49 AM)EvertonDiehard Wrote:  Even though many retrenched workers have not given up seeking gainful employment, they may be classified as “discouraged workers”, who are either retired or no longer searching for jobs because of their prolonged state of unemployment. Professionals, managers and executives comprise approximately 75% of retrenched residents. Unsurprisingly, older PMEs find it more difficult to return to the workforce and may be jobless for a prolonged period of time. The longer these workers go without a job, the more their chances of landing an interview will diminish.

My friend in the Recruitment Agency

said any resumes with gap of 3 years

of jobless, temp or different profession

all burried 6 feet underground

Why do we need 5 Mayors and 80 PAP Ministers? 

(22-02-2024, 09:02 AM)Ola Wrote:  My friend in the Recruitment Agency said any resumes with gap of 3 years of jobless, temp or different profession all burried 6 feet underground

As I am in my early 50s, I have former classmates who find themselves in such a situation; they have "fallen over the cliff" and will soon have to swallow their pride and join the "underemployed".

(21-02-2024, 10:41 PM)EvertonDiehard Wrote:  The Ministry of Manpower must adopt a more accurate measure of the unemployment rate in S'pore. The proportion of the adult labour force that is actively seeking employment, but is not presently engaged in productive work appears to be under-reported. Such data is estimated and based on surveys of a representative sample of households. 

These measures of economic activity in a dynamic economy are not without flaws, as they do not rely on data collected by the Central Provident Fund, Inland Revenue Authority of Singapore or even career centres operated by the community development councils.
To compound matters, displaced workers probably do not qualify for any financial assistance from the authorities, so the likelihood of them going under the radar is high.

Such methods of deriving statistics cannot accurately measure the intent of residents who are out of work.

national vaccine registry is a good example that tracks if a person is vaccinated.

similarly, a national unemployment registry can be set up to track if a person is unemployed.

(22-02-2024, 09:35 AM)forum456 Wrote:  national vaccine registry is a good example that tracks if a person is vaccinated. similarly, a national unemployment registry can be set up to track if a person is unemployed.

The true rate of unemployment and underemployment will definitely be hard to swallow for Sinkies when we see that 90% of white collar workers at Changi (Chennai) Business Park are CECAs.

[Image: Ceca.jpg]


(22-02-2024, 09:02 AM)Ola Wrote:  My friend in the Recruitment Agency

said any resumes with gap of 3 years

of jobless, temp or different profession

all burried 6 feet underground

If you 3 mths still never get employ.
The interviewers may ask this question.
What have you been doing?
This give them the impression you are not active enough in looking for job. This may show your attitude, that you are not active person.

More than 6 mths, good luck to you.

“Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind"

(21-02-2024, 10:41 PM)EvertonDiehard Wrote:  The Ministry of Manpower must adopt a more accurate measure of the unemployment rate in S'pore. The proportion of the adult labour force that is actively seeking employment, but is not presently engaged in productive work appears to be under-reported. Such data is estimated and based on surveys of a representative sample of households. 

These measures of economic activity in a dynamic economy are not without flaws, as they do not rely on data collected by the Central Provident Fund, Inland Revenue Authority of Singapore or even career centres operated by the community development councils.
To compound matters, displaced workers probably do not qualify for any financial assistance from the authorities, so the likelihood of them going under the radar is high.

Such methods of deriving statistics cannot accurately measure the intent of residents who are out of work.

Not just Singapore. The world needs a more accurate measurement but it is very difficult to get one as it is extremely laborious.

The definition of unemployment rate for OECD countries is:

The unemployed are people of working age who are without work, are available for work, and have taken specific steps to find work. The uniform application of this definition results in estimates of unemployment rates that are more internationally comparable than estimates based on national definitions of unemployment. This indicator is measured in numbers of unemployed people as a percentage of the labour force and it is seasonally adjusted. The labour force is defined as the total number of unemployed people plus those in employment. Data are based on labour force surveys (LFS).  For European Union countries where monthly LFS information is not available, the monthly unemployed figures are estimated by Eurostat.

The data is mainly from surveys. And if surveys are not available, estimated.

Job search 101

1)Spam your job application on the online Job search platforms.
2)Attend the Job fair.
3)Look for Job/career coach for assistance to brighten/improve your job resume.
4)Call friend and ex colleague who is working at high post, any job available at their companies.

If you are very active, recruitment agencies will notice you and render their service to you.

“Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind"

(22-02-2024, 09:41 AM)EvertonDiehard Wrote:  The true rate of unemployment and underemployment will definitely be hard to swallow for Sinkies when we see that 90% of white collar workers at Changi (Chennai) Business Park are CECAs.

[Image: Ceca.jpg]

this problem can only be solved when PAP votes drops to 51%

(22-02-2024, 09:51 AM)Levin Wrote:  Not just Singapore. The world needs a more accurate measurement but it is very difficult to get one as it is extremely laborious.

In S'pore, if one is still unemployed 6 months after being laid off, he is considered retired or no longer interested in re-joining the workforce. We know that a PME older than 45 years of age may take up to 2 or more years to land another job that is comparable to the one he lost, so 6 months is far too short a time period to label someone as no longer interested in looking for a job, and remove him from the list of unemployed. 

(22-02-2024, 10:30 AM)EvertonDiehard Wrote:  In S'pore, if one is still unemployed 6 months after being laid off, he is considered retired or no longer interested in re-joining the workforce. We know that a PME older than 45 years of age may take up to 2 or more years to land another job that is comparable to the one he lost, so 6 months is far too short a time period to label someone as no longer interested in looking for a job, and remove him from the list of unemployed. 

In Singapore, a person is counted as unemployed if he or she is

(i) not working during the survey reference week, but is
(ii) actively looking for a job in the last 4 weeks, and
(iii) available for work in the next 2 weeks.

This includes persons who are not working but are taking steps to start their own business or
taking up a new job after the reference week.

(Remove the '@' from the above link to get MOM's document)

There is only this 4-week rule about 'actively looking for a job'. Nothing about 6 months. Any link to this 6-month rule you mentioned?

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