Dont balls itchy! Important News! Quickly Go Vaccinated!

(12-11-2021, 02:59 PM)CHAOS Wrote:  Then why force citizens to take US mRNA vaccines at the very beginning? 

This is another good example of PM Lee like to put all eggs in one basket, no matter in US or India
Because PRCunts wanna play political fugg with the efficacy is questionable.

How I know China jab efficacy is questionable, my friend based in China came back to re jabbed with Pfizer after he did a antibodies test. He have to go thru 14days quarantine in SG then another 21days in China after he return. 

These are direct from the horse mouth not social media and hearsay's.

KTV妹妹说,香港人无义,台湾人无情,新加坂人无智 Big Grin

(12-11-2021, 01:55 PM)CHAOS Wrote:  If you kiasi no body can stop you get vaccinated, but my own body are none of the govt business!

Agreed, then medical resources belongs to everyone, managed by the gov and if anyone abuses it, they need to pay for it.

KTV妹妹说,香港人无义,台湾人无情,新加坂人无智 Big Grin

(12-11-2021, 03:07 PM)CHAOS Wrote:  Taiwan also a small island

Yes, that's why they are fugged

KTV妹妹说,香港人无义,台湾人无情,新加坂人无智 Big Grin

The clue is ,Thing used formally here, not exist in nature,cannot be patent
Antibodies count is not foolproof,
The needle is the path to make Thing exist.

PS Natural Immunity has 2 part:
1 Innate
2. Updated

The fews dozens if they survived the needles will be blamed for the deaths of the many.
The vacc. will be so angry.
For they have a Death wish and cannot understand why.

(12-11-2021, 03:06 PM)Tangsen Wrote:  SG will collapse if we lockdown we are a small island 95% depending on outside trade. Lockdown means SQ dies, means Changi Airport dies, means SATs dies. Ports die, PSA dies. Our financial hub dies, DBS dies, UOB dies, OCBC dies, SGX dies. Unless you are a Muddysian Bodoh hoping for SG to collapse, if not dun be childish

China is the world biggest market, they are close up forever and they won't die. HK is part of China. As for Tai-Wart …. they are already dead.

Also if inactivated vaccine works, why lockdown? My friend based in China jabbed with Sinovac, did an antibodies test, rushed back to SG to get Pfizer jabs because the count was low. He has to quarantine 14days in SG then back to China and another 21days quarantine, you think he did for fun?
My JKT peer whole family infected but luckily they have only 1 AZ jab and they suffered mild symptoms. 

Had lunch with ex colleague, his wife was infected but no symptoms, she found out from their children tutor she was infected. 

My uncle, early 80s, had stroke a few years back, infected by old slight flu. 7 days in quarantine, he is now out and about.

These experiences are not hearsay, not friend a friend of a friend nor social media but my direct friends and relatives. So all these shows me vaccine works.
So tiongkok all arrivals must quarantine 21 days regardless of whether ang mo or sino jabbed?

garbagemen blame unjabbed for clogging up hospital beds, who patients [vaxx and unvaxx]  blame for bringing in WV and ceca virus?

(12-11-2021, 03:43 PM)luncheonmeat Wrote:  So tiongkok all arrivals must quarantine 21 days regardless of whether ang mo or sino jabbed?

garbagemen blame unjabbed for clogging up hospital beds, who patients [vaxx and unvaxx]  blame for bringing in WV and ceca virus?

Ah tiong assumes every person entering the country has Covid, it doesn't trust vaccination history and pre-departure PCR test results. All passengers must redo PCR test at airport upon touchdown. Quarantine is a must, can’t be exempted. Need to quarantine for 14 days at City of arrival, then another 7-14 days at destination city. Total 21-28 days. 4-6 PCR tests will be conducted during quarantine.

In rest of the world including Spore, vaccination is everything although it is not 100% effective. Quarantine has been waved to facilitate cross border travelling and reopening of economy.

looks like ahtiongs are serious in combating the virus.

(12-11-2021, 01:16 PM)lionkingch55 Wrote:  Singapore’s unvaccinated may face Covid medical bills over S$25,000 (

Those imported cases who pay ?

(12-11-2021, 04:07 PM)WhatDoYouThink? Wrote:  looks like ahtiongs are serious in combating the virus.

What is the update of Covid-19 infections in China....? Thinking

(12-11-2021, 05:06 PM)debono Wrote:  What is the update of Covid-19 infections in China....? Thinking

worldometer site said daily under 100. if no news from western or flg media then that shd be correct

(12-11-2021, 03:08 PM)Tangsen Wrote:  Because PRCunts wanna play political fugg with the efficacy is questionable.

How I know China jab efficacy is questionable, my friend based in China came back to re jabbed with Pfizer after he did a antibodies test. He have to go thru 14days quarantine in SG then another 21days in China after he return. 

These are direct from the horse mouth not social media and hearsay's.

I thick is American who play the political fugg with the efficacy of vaccines first, did you found that all Western MSM, our ST and CNA are demonizing all Chinese vaccines until now?

I know you think efficacy are far more important than side effects, so i only can say good luck bro!  Cool

(12-11-2021, 03:08 PM)Tangsen Wrote:  Because PRCunts wanna play political fugg with the efficacy is questionable.

How I know China jab efficacy is questionable, my friend based in China came back to re jabbed with Pfizer after he did a antibodies test. He have to go thru 14days quarantine in SG then another 21days in China after he return. 

These are direct from the horse mouth not social media and hearsay's.

Told you earlier your friend panic for nothing. Misinformed lah, kiasi, kiasu, kia black fungus  Laughing

mRNA so good meh? So many people kena serious side effects, got infected, some died. These are facts. Go check.

It only shows that lots of antibodies doesn't mean you are safe. The other 2 components of our immune system are just as important, maybe even more important. 

Any approved vaccine will reduce the chances of severe illness and deaths. No need to discriminate like Ah Ong lah.
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(12-11-2021, 02:28 PM)Tangsen Wrote:  Really dun understand the logic about worrying about future potential danger when they refuse to see clear and present danger.
Why people wanna look at the hurdle ahead when ignore the hurdle in front of them

Not bad. Not bad.
You know I Ching.... Laughter-119

Got good knowledge doesnt mean got good wisdom.

“Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind"

(12-11-2021, 05:50 PM)RichDad Wrote:  Told you earlier your friend panic for nothing. Misinformed lah, kiasi, kiasu, kia black fungus  Laughing

mRNA so good meh? So many people kena serious side effects, got infected, some died. These are facts. Go check.

It only shows that lots of antibodies doesn't mean you are safe. The other 2 components of our immune system are just as important, maybe even more important. 

Any approved vaccine will reduce the chances of severe illness and deaths. No need to discriminate like Ah Ong lah.

He did the test in China and was advised to consider by his company. 

Stop pretending to be a PHD medical experts

KTV妹妹说,香港人无义,台湾人无情,新加坂人无智 Big Grin

(12-11-2021, 05:49 PM)CHAOS Wrote:  I thick is American who play the political fugg with the efficacy of vaccines first, did you found that all Western MSM, our ST and CNA are demonizing all Chinese vaccines until now?

I know you think efficacy are far more important than side effects, so i only can say good luck bro!  Cool

Anyway, you all can go cosplay doctor, medical scientist with social media certified PHD …. I only see what I believe what I see ….. 

my peers family in JKT, AZ 
My ex boss wife Moderna 
My 80+ yrs old stroke uncle Pfizer

KTV妹妹说,香港人无义,台湾人无情,新加坂人无智 Big Grin

Those who know, won't take any jab.

Those who don't know, will just take "free" jab.

Problem is the "jab" is not approved like traditional vaccines but EUA over a few months of trial .

By now, the dominant strain are variants, not the original Wuhan strain that the jabs were based on.

Take it not only useless but make you worse off due to ADE risk.

You think the variants are that dumb such that the Wuhan strain based jabs can protect you from it?

Wake up pple? Can't you tell you hv bn duped by them?

(12-11-2021, 07:22 PM)Tangsen Wrote:  He did the test in China and was advised to consider by his company. 

Stop pretending to be a PHD medical experts

Not pretending.  Just sharing what i read.

You seem to like to talk down Sinovac like Ho Jinx for reasons best known to yourself.

(12-11-2021, 03:08 PM)Tangsen Wrote:  Because PRCunts wanna play political fugg with the efficacy is questionable.

How I know China jab efficacy is questionable, my friend based in China came back to re jabbed with Pfizer after he did a antibodies test. He have to go thru 14days quarantine in SG then another 21days in China after he return. 

These are direct from the horse mouth not social media and hearsay's.

You repeat HC mistake.
First need to point out trial efficacy against hospitalization and death is on same range for all vaccines.
The efficacy you mention is against preventing asymptomatic infections.

Yes 10 times antibodies given 17 to 25% difference to asymptomatic infections for wuhan variant.
but it is observe mRNA saw more dramatic fall than the traditional ones against variants. 
This is likely due to that fact mRNA present only small partial of the whole virus. 
The breakthrough is more likely.

China do not declare their vaccine can prevent infection and do not treat covid as endemic, 
Therefore they put more cautions. 

Also their lockdown is smaller and shorter than previous, 
as they find ways to do speedy and rigorous testing.

(12-11-2021, 08:08 PM)RichDad Wrote:  Not pretending.  Just sharing what i read.

You seem to like to talk down Sinovac like Ho Jinx for reasons best known to yourself.

I never did talk down nor did I read but shared my friend's experience when he took Sinovac, got tested and decided to booster it with Pfizer. He flew in during I P2HA.

KTV妹妹说,香港人无义,台湾人无情,新加坂人无智 Big Grin

(12-11-2021, 08:10 PM)watchfirst9 Wrote:  You repeat HC mistake.
First need to point out trial efficacy against hospitalization and death is on same range for all vaccines.
The efficacy you mention is against preventing asymptomatic infections.

Yes 10 times antibodies given 17 to 25% difference to asymptomatic infections for wuhan variant.
but it is observe mRNA saw more dramatic fall than the traditional ones against variants. 
This is likely due to that fact mRNA present only small partial of the whole virus. 
The breakthrough is more likely.

China do not declare their vaccine can prevent infection and do not treat covid as endemic, 
Therefore they put more cautions. 

Also their lockdown is smaller and shorter than previous, 
as they find ways to do speedy and rigorous testing.

Please do provide the evidence to back it up or any link to support what you state, so you can share it with everyone.

KTV妹妹说,香港人无义,台湾人无情,新加坂人无智 Big Grin

The present problem is Bankruptcy.
Big Pharma cannot crossover to 2027.
What has been promised goes down by 20% a yr.
Want to know more?

(12-11-2021, 03:06 PM)Tangsen Wrote:  SG will collapse if we lockdown we are a small island 95% depending on outside trade. Lockdown means SQ dies, means Changi Airport dies, means SATs dies. Ports die, PSA dies. Our financial hub dies, DBS dies, UOB dies, OCBC dies, SGX dies. Unless you are a Muddysian Bodoh hoping for SG to collapse, if not dun be childish

China is the world biggest market, they are close up forever and they won't die. HK is part of China. As for Tai-Wart …. they are already dead.

Also if inactivated vaccine works, why lockdown? My friend based in China jabbed with Sinovac, did an antibodies test, rushed back to SG to get Pfizer jabs because the count was low. He has to quarantine 14days in SG then back to China and another 21days quarantine, you think he did for fun?
My JKT peer whole family infected but luckily they have only 1 AZ jab and they suffered mild symptoms. 

Had lunch with ex colleague, his wife was infected but no symptoms, she found out from their children tutor she was infected. 

My uncle, early 80s, had stroke a few years back, infected by old slight flu. 7 days in quarantine, he is now out and about.

These experiences are not hearsay, not friend a friend of a friend nor social media but my direct friends and relatives. So all these shows me vaccine works.

Bro., I believe your story..... Clapping

(12-11-2021, 05:50 PM)RichDad Wrote:  Told you earlier your friend panic for nothing. Misinformed lah, kiasi, kiasu, kia black fungus  Laughing

mRNA so good meh? So many people kena serious side effects, got infected, some died. These are facts. Go check.

It only shows that lots of antibodies doesn't mean you are safe. The other 2 components of our immune system are just as important, maybe even more important. 

Any approved vaccine will reduce the chances of severe illness and deaths. No need to discriminate like Ah Ong lah.
In this case the Bold did not exist and therefore not from nature and also cannot be patented.
It started with prepared (Codes-proteins) mRNA enveloped in lipids.
So all 3 the said the spike proteins and the loosely bind antibodies are considered POISONS meaning the cells have to deal with them.
Not infection OUTFECTION
In this scam u cannot go after the patent office. Now it exists. You produce them.

(12-11-2021, 01:16 PM)lionkingch55 Wrote:  Singapore’s unvaccinated may face Covid medical bills over S$25,000 (

Your syonan asshole is not barking for undemon? Smile

(12-11-2021, 09:40 PM)debono Wrote:  Bro., I believe your story..... Clapping

Not a story but real experience.

I am sure by now you would have know friends or relatives infected with Covid but survived because of the jabbed.

Lets not talk so far away in this country in that country, just look at SG already nearly 5million people jabbed ….whats the ratio of vax/vax death vs ratio unvax/unvax death. Already coming to a year liow.

Not rocket science but NOOOO … all these kay kian, social media certified PHD medical scientist will come up with all sort of excuse saying vaccine dun save lives.

KTV妹妹说,香港人无义,台湾人无情,新加坂人无智 Big Grin

According to Syonan Shimbun, the mortality rate in 2021 (not over yet Smile) is already HIGHER than that in 2020 when most people are NOT vaccinated using angmoh drug. lol

(12-11-2021, 09:59 PM)Tangsen Wrote:  Not a story but real experience.

I am sure by now you would have know friends or relatives infected with Covid but survived because of the jabbed.

Lets not talk so far away in this country in that country, just look at SG already nearly 5million people jabbed ….whats the ratio of vax/vax death vs ratio unvax/unvax death. Already coming to a year liow.

Not rocket science but NOOOO … all these kay kian, social media certified PHD medical scientist will come up with all sort of excuse saying vaccine dun save lives.

It is a fact that vaccination saves life ...anyway those who had vaccinated and were infected has less serious symptoms.....and more likely to survive..... Big Grin

(12-11-2021, 10:04 PM)debono Wrote:  It is a fact that vaccination saves life ...anyway those who had vaccinated and were infected has less serious symptoms.....and more likely to survive..... Big Grin

At first cry father mother cry mother want free PRCunts vaccine, now give also dun want to jab. 

Now kowpeh kowbu … this ang mo vaccine no good only PRCunts bery good … yet PRCunts shut their borders and lockdown their cities.

I support Fatty Xi but see these motherfugging Trumpet like PRCunts supporters are a bunch of no life little whiney schoolboys …

KTV妹妹说,香港人无义,台湾人无情,新加坂人无智 Big Grin

(12-11-2021, 03:06 PM)Tangsen Wrote:  SG will collapse if we lockdown we are a small island 95% depending on outside trade. Lockdown means SQ dies, means Changi Airport dies, means SATs dies. Ports die, PSA dies. Our financial hub dies, DBS dies, UOB dies, OCBC dies, SGX dies. Unless you are a Muddysian Bodoh hoping for SG to collapse, if not dun be childish

China is the world biggest market, they are close up forever and they won't die. HK is part of China. As for Tai-Wart …. they are already dead.

Also if inactivated vaccine works, why lockdown? My friend based in China jabbed with Sinovac, did an antibodies test, rushed back to SG to get Pfizer jabs because the count was low. He has to quarantine 14days in SG then back to China and another 21days quarantine, you think he did for fun?
My JKT peer whole family infected but luckily they have only 1 AZ jab and they suffered mild symptoms. 

Had lunch with ex colleague, his wife was infected but no symptoms, she found out from their children tutor she was infected. 

My uncle, early 80s, had stroke a few years back, infected by old slight flu. 7 days in quarantine, he is now out and about.

These experiences are not hearsay, not friend a friend of a friend nor social media but my direct friends and relatives. So all these shows me vaccine works.

Are there any $mil paid little paper generals to suck worldclassly-working angmoh vaccine then to open for keeping people dying???

Maybe they got no syonan gene, so not as so worldclassly talented to know how to check for only 2 pax ... or 5 pax from a syonan family can dine together???  Smile

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