Dont balls itchy! Important News! Quickly Go Vaccinated!

Researcher blows the whistle on data integrity issues in Pfizer’s vaccine trial  Laughter-13

(12-11-2021, 09:25 PM)Tangsen Wrote:  Please do provide the evidence to back it up or any link to support what you state, so you can share it with everyone.

It is out there,

to compare head on at same country same period
if compare effectiveness against intensive care admissions, both are near
if compare against infection mRNA do have advantage but probably due to high antibodies but that will wane off.

mRNA technology is not necessary evil but because of inflammation cause by spike protein and mutation, 
to some or many overshadow its strength.

Inventor of mRNA banned by the New England Journal of Medicine      Laughing
  • by Justus R. Hope, MD

  • Oct 7, 2021 Updated Oct 7, 2021

(12-11-2021, 10:21 PM)amata Wrote:  Are there any $mil paid little paper generals to suck worldclassly-working angmoh vaccine then to open for keeping people dying???

Maybe they got no syonan gene, so not as so worldclassly talented to know how to check for only 2 pax ... or 5 pax from a syonan family can dine together???  Smile

Fugg 2 pax, 5 pax, 8 pax …. 100000000 pax ….. what is the diff if some of these burden to societies do not wanna jab.
Now give you ah Tiong jabs …. ALSO DUN WANT … only know how to act like a medical specialist certified PHD by TikTok and YouTube
Next, step those can jab dun jab … medical bill also no subsidised …. best

KTV妹妹说,香港人无义,台湾人无情,新加坂人无智 Big Grin

For all those born with toxic syonan gene, die die must sing songs that angmoh shxt they just sucked is so yummy. Smile

(12-11-2021, 10:42 PM)watchfirst9 Wrote:  It is out there,

to compare head on at same country same period
if compare effectiveness against intensive care admissions, both are near
if compare against infection mRNA do have advantage but probably due to high antibodies but that will wane off.

mRNA technology is not necessary evil but because of inflammation cause by spike protein and mutation, 
to some or many overshadow its strength.

If both are as good … WHY then those anti vax still dun wanna jab.
Because of them, many businesses are suffering, hospital & medical staffs under stress and a bloody burden to society.
Karma will fall on their selfishness

KTV妹妹说,香港人无义,台湾人无情,新加坂人无智 Big Grin

(12-11-2021, 10:38 PM)CHAOS Wrote:  Researcher blows the whistle on data integrity issues in Pfizer’s vaccine trial  Laughter-13

I dun even wanna do a background check on this editorial …. I just need to see my uncle, ex boss family, my peers in JKT …. nothing beats the real thing

KTV妹妹说,香港人无义,台湾人无情,新加坂人无智 Big Grin

(12-11-2021, 04:04 PM)lvlrsSTI Wrote:  Ah tiong assumes every person entering the country has Covid, it doesn't trust vaccination history and pre-departure PCR test results. All passengers must redo PCR test at airport upon touchdown. Quarantine is a must, can’t be exempted. Need to quarantine for 14 days at City of arrival, then another 7-14 days at destination city. Total 21-28 days. 4-6 PCR tests will be conducted during quarantine.

In rest of the world including Spore, vaccination is everything although it is not 100% effective. Quarantine has been waved to facilitate cross border travelling and reopening of economy.

If so, are they no confident with their vaccine?

KTV妹妹说,香港人无义,台湾人无情,新加坂人无智 Big Grin

(12-11-2021, 10:57 PM)Tangsen Wrote:  If so, are they no confident with their vaccine?

you are brainwashed by mainstream media, regardless of the brand vaccines are not 100% effective, and effectiveness drops significantly to 39% for Delta variant.  You are not bulletproof after you are fully vaccinated. Israel had 8k-10k new cases per day after majority of population was fully vaccinated, among these cases large number are breakthrough cases, Israel is only using Pfizer and Moderna vaccines. After 82% of population has been fully vaccinated, daily cases in Spore jumped 10 folds, 3.5k new cases per day, mostly breakthrough cases. Vaccine is a false hope for garment to reopen the economy...even after you are fully vaccinated, you will still get infected. So vaccine is not a silver bullet, that is why we are told to live with Covid for the coming years after majority of us are fully vaccinated.
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(12-11-2021, 11:14 PM)lvlrsSTI Wrote:  you are brainwashed by mainstream media, regardless of brands vaccines are not 100% effective, and effectiveness drops significantly for Delta variant.  Yiu are bot bulletproof after you are fully vaccinated. Israel had 8k-20k cases per day after majority of population was fully  vaccinated, among these cases large number are breakthrough cases, Israel is only using Pfizer and Moderna vaccines. After 82% of population has fully vaccinated, daily cases in Spore jumped 10 folds, 3.5k new cases per day, mostly breakthrough cases. Vaccine is a false hope for garment to reopen the economy...even after you are fully vaccinated, you will still get infected. So vaccine is not a silver bullet, that is why we are told to live with Covid for the coming years after majority of us are fully vaccinated.

Simple question. If they feel their vaccine is able to handle CoVid … why 21days quarantine for all travellers include those using their vaccine. 

No need to if, even, why, how, that, when …...

KTV妹妹说,香港人无义,台湾人无情,新加坂人无智 Big Grin

(12-11-2021, 10:53 PM)Tangsen Wrote:  If both are as good … WHY then those anti vax still dun wanna jab.
Because of them, many businesses are suffering, hospital & medical staffs under stress and a bloody burden to society.
Karma will fall on their selfishness

There is always good and bad. 

Maybe not safe enough. 
I concern for those who medically cannot take the jab. 
And I feel vaccines can be make safer and method is likely already available › pmc › articles › PMC8099545
Nasal vaccines offer an attractive alternative to injectable vaccines in that it may be possible to use a lower dose than for IM/SC injection, the vaccine can be delivered to the appropriate site, namely the NALT, nasal vaccines do not necessarily require to be administered by a health-care person, and it is a better alternative for vaccination ...

lower dose very likely make it more safer

Else nasal spray inhibitor can be offer, it will help reduce the chance of developing into serious conditions
even if they are infected.

We need to improve so must the vaccine as well.

(12-11-2021, 11:20 PM)watchfirst9 Wrote:  There is always good and bad. 

Maybe not safe enough. 
I concern for those who medically cannot take the jab. 
And I feel vaccines can be make safer and method is likely already available › pmc › articles › PMC8099545
Nasal vaccines offer an attractive alternative to injectable vaccines in that it may be possible to use a lower dose than for IM/SC injection, the vaccine can be delivered to the appropriate site, namely the NALT, nasal vaccines do not necessarily require to be administered by a health-care person, and it is a better alternative for vaccination ...

lower dose very likely make it more safer

Else nasal spray inhibitor can be offer, it will help reduce the chance of developing into serious conditions
even if they are infected.

We need to improve so must the vaccine as well.

It's not wrong to concern for those who medically cannot take the jab, but I am frustrated with those who can but won't. These are holding & dragging SG down. I am woking in a consulting firm, businesses and employees are suffering and worried about the future if WE DO NOT move forward.

Because of a few selfish egoistic fuggs, the rest of the country have to suffer.

As for those medically unable to vax, gov will come out with ways to accommodate. Till then the gov need to worry and address 10 of thousand maybe into the hundreds of selfish prats

Btw, all knows I am an opposition supporter and never voted for those white country selling thieves, but in times like these we should hold back our political views and work together as a nation to fight on.

KTV妹妹说,香港人无义,台湾人无情,新加坂人无智 Big Grin

(12-11-2021, 11:17 PM)Tangsen Wrote:  Simple question. If they feel their vaccine is able to handle CoVid … why 21days quarantine for all travellers include those using their vaccine. 

No need to if, even, why, how, that, when …...

Question: Can you tell me why Britain, Israel and Spore are getting thousands of breakthrough cases everyday after majority of populations are fully vaccinated?

Your understanding is, vaccines are 100% effective against Covid, Delta and many other variants. 

Wrong lah, vaccines are only effective to some extent but are unable to protect us from Delta variant, that is why we are having so many breakthrough cases everyday. Must wait for the new vaccines that are effective against Delta and other variants in coming year.

Question: Why quarantine is required for people entering a country from overseas even after these people’s PCR test results are negative 72 hours before departure and they are fully vaccinated?

Answer: 1. Vaccines are only effective against Covid snd Delta variant to some extent, much less than 100%; 2. Although PCR test shows negative, there are chances for a passenger to get infected on the plane and at airport....there are number of such cases reported be 100% sure these passengers have to do another PCR test upon arrival at the destination airport. 3. Quarantine is required because it takes time for a person to show symptoms after getting infected. A person has negative PCR test result before boarding the plane, later gets infected on the plane by another passenger, upon touchdown his PCR test result on the spot could still be negative. A few days after he starts quarantine at hotel, he starts having fever and shows other Covid symptoms, when the doctor does another PCR test, the result is Positive.

Therefore to play safe quarantine is still required. It is too risky to trust vaccination history as vaccines are not 100% secure, and too casual to accept PCR test result performed 3 days earlier.
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(12-11-2021, 11:38 PM)lvlrsSTI Wrote:  Question: Can you tell me why Britain, Israel and Spore are getting thousands of breakthrough cases everyday after majority of populations are fully vaccinated?

Your understanding is, vaccines are 100% effective against Covid, Delta and many other variants. 

Wrong lah, vaccines are only effective to some extent but are unable to protect us from Delta variant, that is why we are having so many breakthrough cases everyday. Must wait for the new vaccines that are effective against Delta and other variants in coming year.

Question: Why quarantine is required for people entering a country from overseas even after these people’s PCR test results are negative 72 hours before departure and they are fully vaccinated?

Answer: 1. Vaccines are only effective against Covid snd Delta variant to some extent, much less than 100%; 2. Although PCR test shows negative, there are chances for a passenger to get infected on the plane and at airport....these are number of such cases reported be 100% sure these passengers have to do another PCR test known arrival at the airport. 3. Quarantine is required because it takes time for a person to show symptoms after getting infected. A person has negative PCR test result before boarding the plane, later gets infected on the plane by another passenger, upon touchdown his PCR test result on the spot could still be negative. A few days after he starts quarantine at hotel, he starts having fever and shows other Covid symptoms, when the doctor dies another PCR test, the result is Positive.

Therefore to play safe quarantine is still required. It is too risky to trust vaccination history as vaccines are not 100% secure, and too casual to accept PCR test result conducted 3 days earlier.

First I wanna apologies as I dun and hate reading long essay … I tried but dropped off on the second sentences. I like point form… short and sharp.

Question: Can you tell me why Britain, Israel and Spore are getting thousands of breakthrough cases everyday after majority of populations are fully vaccinated?
Part of the herd immunity processes. Vaccination provides protection but some will die but many will live. Part of endemic process

Many times I stated vaccine is not immunisation and have stated, never 100% but give us a good fight chance which through 2021, proven so. Anyway, only fools believe in 100% … only death is 100% certain. I assume you misunderstand my understanding.

As for the rest … sorry.

KTV妹妹说,香港人无义,台湾人无情,新加坂人无智 Big Grin

(12-11-2021, 11:29 PM)Tangsen Wrote:  It's not wrong to concern for those who medically cannot take the jab, but I am frustrated with those who can but won't. These are holding & dragging SG down. I am woking in a consulting firm, businesses and employees are suffering and worried about the future if WE DO NOT move forward.

Because of a few selfish egoistic fuggs, the rest of the country have to suffer.

As for those medically unable to vax, gov will come out with ways to accommodate. Till then the gov need to worry and address 10 of thousand maybe into the hundreds of selfish prats

Btw, all knows I am an opposition supporter and never voted for those white country selling thieves, but in times like these we should hold back our political views and work together as a nation to fight on.

There is already measure such as enforce workforce to have test before enter workspace if they are unvaccinated.
the inconvenience of testing can be arguable to protect themselves and others..

But we cannot be sure that unvac are the ones the cause the spreading, so it is unfair to penalize them for higher medical fee.
Especially no real improve in the vaccination or treatment methods yet
And it seems targeting the non working elderly.

So cannot agreed with you.
[+] 1 user Likes watchfirst9's post

(12-11-2021, 11:52 PM)watchfirst9 Wrote:  There is already measure such as enforce workforce to have test before enter workspace if they are unvaccinated.
the inconvenience of testing can be arguable to protect themselves and others..

But we cannot be sure that unvac are the ones the cause the spreading, so it is unfair to penalize them for higher medical fee.
Especially no real improve in the vaccination or treatment methods yet
And it seems targeting the non working elderly.

So cannot agreed with you.

The management of these unvax is not to protect but to prevent the strain to the medical system. The fear is not the infection but the illness after infection. As mentioned before, I know many infected but no illness because they are vax. Numbers has clearly shown, 5million vax/vax in ICU vs Numbers of unvax/unvax in ICU. So your concern differs from me.

The ART I take every time I need to go to office is to protect those unvax. I am doing my part, why don't those who can vax and yet chose not to?

Btw, it's not we targeting the the sickly and elderly,  CoVid is. 

The real issue is… if you are medically fit to jab…. why dun you? Is it very selfish.

KTV妹妹说,香港人无义,台湾人无情,新加坂人无智 Big Grin
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(12-11-2021, 11:48 PM)Tangsen Wrote:  First I wanna apologies as I dun and hate reading long essay … I tried but dropped off on the second sentences. I like point form… short and sharp.

Question: Can you tell me why Britain, Israel and Spore are getting thousands of breakthrough cases everyday after majority of populations are fully vaccinated?
Part of the herd immunity processes. Vaccination provides protection but some will die but many will live. Part of endemic process

Many times I stated vaccine is not immunisation and have stated, never 100% but give us a good fight chance which through 2021, proven so. Anyway, only fools believe in 100% … only death is 100% certain. I assume you misunderstand my understanding.

As for the rest … sorry.

Herd immunity doesn’t work for Covid, what happened in Sweden tells us all, Sweden failed badly for taking herd immunity approach.

China is taking a different approach from rest of the world, while many countries like Korea, Spore and Vietnam give up Zero Tolerance strategy to live with the virus, China still carries on with its tight border control to stop the virus entering the country while eliminating outbreaks in different cities instantly, no country can do that, only CCP can do so.

(13-11-2021, 12:06 AM)lvlrsSTI Wrote:  Herd immunity doesn’t work for Covid, what happened in Sweden tells us all, Sweden failed badly for taking herd immunity approach.

China is taking a different approach from rest of the world, while many countries like Korea, Spore and Vietnam give up Zero Tolerance strategy to live with the virus, China still carries on with its tight border control to stop the virus entering the country while eliminating outbreaks in different cities instantly, no country can do that, only CCP can do so.

Then what suggestion you have for SG.

Your simplistic comparison of a country with 1.4B market size vs a 5.8m island market. China closed its border from 1949 till 1984 and hey they still around ….. can SG closes its border for …. 1-2 years? SG is smaller than most if not all of China states for crying out loud.

Come on, you can do better than that.

KTV妹妹说,香港人无义,台湾人无情,新加坂人无智 Big Grin

(13-11-2021, 12:03 AM)Tangsen Wrote:  The management of these unvax is not to protect but to prevent the strain to the medical system. The fear is not the infection but the illness after infection. As mentioned before, I know many infected but no illness because they are vax. Numbers has clearly shown, 5million vax/vax in ICU vs Numbers of unvax/unvax in ICU. So your concern differs from me.

The ART I take every time I need to go to office is to protect those unvax. I am doing my part, why don't those who can vax and yet chose not to?

Btw, it's not we targeting the the sickly and elderly,  CoVid is. 

The real issue is… if you are medically fit to jab…. why dun you? Is it very selfish.

I think you miss the whole picture.

I already mentioned, those in workforce group already covered.
full medical fees for unvaccinated policy clearly targeting for those not in labour force

It is not that medical fit are without risk, imagine those unemployed elderly face risk of injury 
, no compensation if they still alive.
Some of them if can avoid, will avoid vaccination.  

How can you be sure is unvaccinated that wanted to infect others or to be infected?
So what selfish to talk about.

(13-11-2021, 12:20 AM)watchfirst9 Wrote:  I think you miss the whole picture.

I already mentioned, those in workforce group already covered.
full medical fees for unvaccinated policy clearly targeting for those not in labour force

It is not that medical fit are without risk, imagine those unemployed elderly face risk of injury 
, no compensation if they still alive.
Some of them if can avoid, will avoid vaccination.  

How can you be sure is unvaccinated that wanted to infect others or to be infected?
So what selfish to talk about.
Are you a Singaporean?

Already stated, those medically unable to jabbed will be fully covered. Only those who are medically fit to jab but choose NOT to jab will not be covered.

And as for this"How can you be sure is unvaccinated that wanted to infect others or to be infected? So what selfish to talk about" What the fugg you talking about?

KTV妹妹说,香港人无义,台湾人无情,新加坂人无智 Big Grin

(13-11-2021, 12:28 AM)Tangsen Wrote:  Are you a Singaporean?

Already stated, those medically unable to jabbed will be fully covered. Only those who are medically fit to jab but choose NOT to jab will not be covered.

And as for this"How can you be sure is unvaccinated that wanted to infect others or to be infected? So what selfish to talk about" What the fugg you talking about?

of course.

You totally miss that the risk of getting injury on medical fit person.  
Even sinovac sinopharm carry much less risk, it is no 100%.
Why would they take the risk if they are alone or jobless.

You keep saying they are selfish.
Are you sure they infecting others?
Some could be stay alone, hardly go out..

(13-11-2021, 12:39 AM)watchfirst9 Wrote:  of course.

You totally miss that the risk of getting injury on medical fit person.  
Even sinovac sinopharm carry much less risk, it is no 100%.
Why would they take the risk if they are alone or jobless.
R: Huh, what you talking about? Risk …. risk of getting infected by someone in your family.

You keep saying they are selfish.
Are you sure they infecting others?
Some could be stay alone, hardly go out..
R: Did I mentioned about you infecting others? Already clearly state vaccination PREVENT serious illness which do not required medical resoouces. What infecting others?
From what I read, you are an elderly who refuse to jab. It's not about you infecting others …. its others infecting you and you required medical resources which can be prevented. If you are medically able but refuse to vax, then you are selfish because you may GET infected and thus required medical resources which can be avoided.

My booster shots coming soon, I know the risk because we are at WAR, WAR with Covid… if in a battle everyone scare to charge at the enemy, you are no good for the country.  So dun complain about foreign traxhes taking over SG,

I am not a hero but I am sure I am not a coward.

KTV妹妹说,香港人无义,台湾人无情,新加坂人无智 Big Grin

(12-11-2021, 01:33 PM)starbugs Wrote:  It's actually quite entertaining to see antivaxxers struggling like a dog that refuses to take a bath, but eventually got no choice.

pap wont make jab mandatory for obvious reasons
then they should demonise and discriminate

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Somme road, alerts,  Choc,  winbig

Foo Mee Har is my sister in law - FACT

I am not elderly and I am vaccinated but I can see there are people who fear 
being injury by the vaccine. And most are from the weak group.

Unless we see more options like the next generation of vaccine, concrete steps to reduce long term side effects of vaccine
or virus inhibit spray. It should not be charge higher than the rest.
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(13-11-2021, 08:50 AM)watchfirst9 Wrote:  I am not elderly and I am vaccinated but I can see there are people who fear 
being injury by the vaccine. And most are from the weak group.

Unless we see more options like the next generation of vaccine, concrete steps to reduce long term side effects of vaccine
or virus inhibit spray. It should not be charge higher than the rest.

Yes, China will not close the border forever, they are just waiting for more better options to living with COVID, but its not the right time yet, you know, people need to take over 40yrs to accepted HIV

No pain no gain.

Why quickly go vaccination when the tests were full with fake numbers?  

Really stupid!

Covid-19: Researcher blows the whistle on data integrity issues in Pfizer’s vaccine trial | The BMJ   
[+] 1 user Likes webinarian's post

May be go vaccinated and die with Pfizer.   

Really dumbfvck.   


(13-11-2021, 12:03 AM)Tangsen Wrote:  The management of these unvax is not to protect but to prevent the strain to the medical system. The fear is not the infection but the illness after infection. As mentioned before, I know many infected but no illness because they are vax. Numbers has clearly shown, 5million vax/vax in ICU vs Numbers of unvax/unvax in ICU. So your concern differs from me.

The ART I take every time I need to go to office is to protect those unvax. I am doing my part, why don't those who can vax and yet chose not to?

Btw, it's not we targeting the the sickly and elderly,  CoVid is. 

The real issue is… if you are medically fit to jab…. why dun you? Is it very selfish.

Well said, I do support your stance that those who can vax but choose not to are selfish people. Now that in the National Vaccination Programme accept the use of Sinovac, I see no reason not to be vaccinated with this vaccine.  I do hope that those who are medically fit to go for the 3 jabs, in that case the state is happy that we comply to their advice............ Clapping

Govt is chanting more spells. The unvaxxed's headache is becoming worse and worse!

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