CECA has been good for S'poreans creating a better life for S'poreans

Singapore depends on FTA or Free Trade Agreements which have been beneficial.

CECA is an FTA therefore it has to be beneficial to Singaporeans once a person agrees with the above.

Those who criticise CECA are criticising something beneficial to Singaporeans hence out to hurt Singaporeans.

Other countries who chose not to sign a CECA with India have unenlightened leaders who fail to benefit their citizens.

Nonsense. Beneficial to Inndia but not singkees

I agree. Looks like only Indian nationals benefitted.

Ce.ca will be a big issue in the next erection, until something is done soon

1. SG benefit from FTAs.
But so far, no PAP Minister say how many citizens got betterER jobs with HIGHER pay.

2. Those who criticize CECA are out to hurt Singaporeans
Does it mean that PA P Praise CECA do not hurt Singaporeans?

3. Other 10 or 20 Countries do not sign CECA are unenlightened
So, we did not sign RCEP with India like them means PAP is unenlightened, too.

If during crisis ,the local still working having a comfortable life , thenI would say the FT indeed has contributed to it. If not these are the cockroaches issues have been hidden under the carpet.

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