Civil War in Myanmar

(18-03-2024, 11:04 AM)Tee tiong huat Wrote:  Insight 2023/2024 - The Fractured State Of Myanmar. 16 Feb 2024 

For months, junta has lost ground in Myanmar, as ethnic rebel forces capture town after town. Whether the military govt is defeated, or truce is established, Myanmar may not be the same.
If the rebels captured the capital, that junta wil be gone into hiding.

Myanmar Junta Boss’s Magic Rituals Fail to Prevent Loss of Rathedaung to AA. Junta boss Min Aung Hlaing’s latest effort to seek divine blessings failed on Sunday when his regime lost control of one more town in western Myanmar’s Rakhine State.

Min Aung Hlaing and his family were in Bago on Sunday, reconsecrating the ancient Kyaik Pannaya pagoda in the town. Bago was the capital of the Mon kingdom of Hanthawaddy during the 13th-16th centuries. The pagoda was reportedly built by Mon kings over 1,000 years ago.

(16-03-2024, 09:29 PM)Tee tiong huat Wrote:  Junta Watch: Rising Conscription Panic; Hospital Bombing Cover-Up; and More...

Myanmar junta officials began collecting personal details of citizens eligible for compulsory military service this week, triggering widespread alarm in cities. Detailed data collection processes are now underway in Naypyitaw and Yangon, in particular. 

On Friday, junta-controlled newspapers sought to quell any panic by denying that registration papers were being delivered and dismissing the reports as fake news.

Contrary to the denials, junta-appointed Yangon Region chief minister presided over meeting to coordinate conscription on Thursday, he called for complete accuracy in data collection. As officials have duly begun distributing military service registration forms to households.

A registration form seen by The Irrawaddy asks for personal details covering 25 areas, including name, address, ID number, educational qualification, occupation, health condition, and marital status.

In some wards, admin are using megaphones to urge eligible residents to register. In others, a lottery system is being used to select draftees.

The regime has apparently been busy preparations for 5-weeks since it introduced mandatory military service. Meanwhile, massive numbers of young people are leaving the country to avoid conscription under a junta widely reviled for its atrocities against Myanmar’s people. 

Regime is massacring the truth
Myanmar Junta Boss’s Magic Rituals Fail to Prevent Loss of Rathedaung to AA. crying
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(19-03-2024, 02:14 PM)Tee tiong huat Wrote:  Myanmar Junta Boss’s Magic Rituals Fail to Prevent Loss of Rathedaung to AA. Junta boss Min Aung Hlaing’s latest effort to seek divine blessings failed on Sunday when his regime lost control of one more town in western Myanmar’s Rakhine State.

Min Aung Hlaing and his family were in Bago on Sunday, reconsecrating the ancient Kyaik Pannaya pagoda in the town. Bago was the capital of the Mon kingdom of Hanthawaddy during the 13th-16th centuries. The pagoda was reportedly built by Mon kings over 1,000 years ago.
Evil people can never be blessed. They shd be punished instead.

(20-03-2024, 03:05 PM)Gemstar Wrote:  Evil people can never be blessed. They shd be punished instead.

The most evil people are Jews behind Assmerican politicians!
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Myanmar: Aung San Suu Kyi house action gets no bids at auction. An auction of the villa of Myanmar's detained leader Aung San Suu Kyi has failed after no bids were made for it.

A court had ordered its sale in January following a long-running ownership dispute with her brother.
Lawyers for Ms Suu Kyi, who has been detained since her government was overthrown by a military coup in 2021, have challenged holding the auction without her consent. She has been unable to meet her lawyers since December 2022.

The reserve price for the property was set at 315 billion kyats ($90m; £70m). Court officials stood outside the front gate of the house at 10:00 local time (03:30 GMT) and asked three times if there were any bids, before closing the auction. Only journalists, officials and undercover police were present. Her lakeside home at 54 University Avenue, Yangon, is almost as famous as Aung San Suu Kyi herself. She grew up in it, and in 1988 began her long campaign for democracy from it, using it as the first headquarters of her party, the National League for Democracy. And during her three terms of house arrest, totalling 15 years until 2010, she was confined there.

The two-storey, colonial-era house was given to Ms Suu Kyi's mother in 1953, following the death of one of her brothers in a drowning accident in the swimming pool of their old home.

Aung San Suu Kyi: Democracy icon who fell from grace as Myanmar's army is losing facing fire from a militant monk. The young refusing to become Myanmar's 'human shields'. The Chinese mafia's downfall in a lawless casino town

Her father, General Aung San, founder of the main independence movement in Burma, was assassinated in 1947. Ms Suu Kyi lived overseas, in US & UK till 1988, when she returned to the house to look after her ailing mother. During her long periods of house arrest, journalists would drive past the increasingly dilapidated building, surreptitiously filming through the windows of their cars to avoid the ever-present intelligence officers. But in the brief periods when she was freed, large crowds would gather outside the front gate to hear her give speeches, and journalists could meet and interview her in the garden.

She was there when her husband, British academic Michael Aris, died in the UK from cancer in 1999. She was unable to leave to see him, knowing the military would not allow her to return to Myanmar if she did. When she was finally freed in 2010, Ms Suu Kyi began meeting her political colleagues and world leaders there, starting with then US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton in 2011, then President Barrack Obama in November 2012.

After being elected as an MP in 2012, she started spending more time at her house in the capital Naypyidaw so she could attend parliament, but 54 University Avenue remained a popular backdrop for tourist photographs. Her surviving brother, Aung San Oo, who is now a US citizen based in California, first challenged her ownership of the house in 2000. He filed multiple legal claims to it over the years, although as a foreign national he is not legally allowed to own or sell it.

In 2016, a court in Yangon ruled that he was entitled to half the land, but that the house remained the property of Aung San Suu Kyi. In 2018, the Supreme Court did not rule on his appeal to have the property sold, and the proceeds divided between them.

Ms Suu Kyi's supporters believe Aung San Oo's claims on the house have long been supported by the military, both to undermine her and to take from her a building which has come to symbolise her long struggle against military rule.

The 2021 coup put the judiciary under the authority of the junta, which many believe is why the court issued the verdict in January this year that the property must be auctioned.

(20-03-2024, 03:09 PM)cityhantam Wrote:  The most evil people are Jews behind Assmerican politicians!
One shd not just look at one side of the picture. America does also gave humanitarian aids to those countries in Africa having civil war that face famine.

(21-03-2024, 10:08 AM)Gemstar Wrote:  One shd not just look at one side of the picture. America does also gave humanitarian aids to those countries in Africa having civil war that face famine.

In exchange for control of respective country!   Rotfl

Myanmar army starts enlisting civilians in nationwide conscription.

Myanmar army is moving to enlist its first batch of civilians into the military, with summons letters reportedly sent to eligible candidates in Yangon. These are in line with the military’s recently enacted conscription law which which has sparked a range of concerns, from brain drain to increased violence amid the ongoing crisis. CNA's Leong Wai Kit report.

Myanmar army moves to enlist first batch of civilians into military. This is in line with the military’s recently enacted conscription law, which has sparked a range of concerns from brain drain to increased violence amid the ongoing crisis.. Citizens aged 18 to 35, and in some cases, up to 45, are required to serve under the law.

KIA was based in Nahpaw under military dictator Ne Win. it relocated to Laiza in 1987, Kachin is a Independence Organization, KIA’s political wing.
KIA: Nine Myanmar Junta Strongholds Seized in two days. Kachin Independence Army (KIA)  seized nine in Waingmaw and Momauk townships, Kachin State, in two days. 

The KIA, Arakan Army, Kachin People’s Defense Force (PDF) and other groups reportedly seized a major camp on Thursday near Nahpaw and Pajau Bum villages in Waingmaw Township, where the KIA headquarters is based. Five other positions between Pajau Bum village and Laiza town had also fallen, according to the KIA.

The 438 Light Infantry Battalion headquarters in Numlang village and a 616 Artillery Battalion base in Nawng Kawn village in Momauk Township on Thursday. “We attacked the battalion bases on Thursday morning and seized them both in the evening,” said a PDF member.

Battalion 438 was based on the important Myitkyina-Bhamo road and the artillery camp could shell the KIA’s headquarters in Laiza. KIA HQ has for over two decades has been surrounded by Myanmar military camps, which have all now fallen.

On Sat, 370 Artillery Battalion fell, the KIA and its allies seized Infantry Battalion 142 HQ in Dawthponeyan town on March 8 & Infantry Battalion 237 headquarters near Dasai village in Momauk Township was seized on March 15.

KIA and its allies say they have seized nearly 50 junta outposts in the last 16 days, including battalion HQ in Tanai, Hpakant, Sumprabum, Waingmaw and Momauk townships. Numlang’s battalion base was a logistics hub from where reinforcements were deployed around Laiza, the KIA said.

The KIA might next target Bhamo, the district capital in southern Kachin State, where Military Operations Command 21 is based. The KIA said six of its fighters were killed and 10 severely injured while the junta suffered numerous deaths and hundreds of regime troops surrendered.

Irrawaddy other news. 2024
4-Junta Battalions Surrounded in Shan Town and others news - Midnight Massacre’ at IDP Camp in Myanmar a War Crime: KIA

Tension High Between KIA and TNLA in Northern Shan State. While Junta Troops Escape to China After KIA Attack
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A Chronicle of Collapse: How the Tide Turned Against Myanmar’s Once Mighty Military. Initially, the armed revolution against the junta popularly known as the Spring Revolution was underestimated by the Myanmar military, its sympathizers and political accomplices.

Similarly, the international community and neighboring countries may have publicly expressed support for democratization but they believed Myanmar’s military regime was too strong to fall.
The military and its supporters laughed at the shadow National Unity Govt (NUG) when it declared a defensive war against the regime on September 7, 2021. Generals boasted they would crush resistance stronghold of Sagaing Region within six months. Resistance battle cries were ridiculed.

Two and a half years later, the Spring Revolution is gaining momentum as it captures major bases and entire towns across the country. The Kachin Independence Army (KIA), Karen National Union (KNU), Karenni National Progressive Party, Chinland Defense Force, and All Burma Students Democratic Front (ABSDF) have allied with the NUG and its People’s Defense Force (PDF) armed wing.

The Arakan Army (AA), Ta’ang National Liberation Army (TNLA) and Myanmar National Democratic Alliance Army (MNDAA) have also started to engage with the democratic forces in central Myanmar, including the NUG and PDF. Other revolutionary groups that have emerged in central Myanmar such as the People’s Liberation Army, Burma People’s Liberation Army, and Student Armed Force are also cooperating with ethnic armed organizations.

Resistance groups have mushroomed in central Myanmar as well as in Karenni (Kayah), Chin, Kachin and Shan states, launching the armed revolt with whatever weapons were available. The major challenge facing the Spring Revolution has been funding and procurement of weapons. It therefore took time for resistance groups in central Myanmar to start fighting the regime.

Ethnic armed organizations (EAOs) have no trust in the country’s military. They are well acquainted with its divide-and-rule policy – to compromise and make temporary peace with one enemy so it can focus on crushing the other. They were aware the military would come for them if and when it could contain the resistance in central Myanmar. Hence, seasoned EAOs supported revolutionary forces while building themselves up and waiting for opportunities.
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“Operation 1027” towards the end of last year. The coalition of three powerful ethnic armed organisations has taken control of hundreds of military outposts and dozens of towns in Shan and Rakhine States since the offensive began, and reinvigorated the campaign against the military in other parts of the country.

Fighting has also escalated in Kayah State (Karenni), just south of Shan State. The Karenni National Defence Forces (KNDF) launched its own offensive on November 11, 2023, “Operation 1111”, aiming to take control of the state capital of Loikaw. About half the city, controlled by the military since the coup, is now in the hands of the Karenni resistance.

Myanmar’s military marks Armed Forces Day amid continued violence. It military starts recruiting civilians next month, after recently rolling out a dormant enlistment law. Myanmar parade to commemorate Myanmar's 78th Armed Forces Day in Naypyitaw, Myanmar, on March 27, 2023.

Myanmar is saddled with multiple challenges as it marks Armed Forces Day on Wednesday (Mar 27), from fending off rebels' drone strikes to the need to refresh its weaponry & boost troop numbers. This comes as military starts recruiting civilians next month, after rolling out a dormant enlistment law.

Typically, on Armed Forces Day, Myanmar showcases its modern weaponry and tactical capabilities, and boasts of its ability to handle external threats. However, the country continues to struggle with violence domestically.

Following the coup in 2021, the military has been accused of turning its guns towards civilians, from launching airstrikes to setting villages on fire. Since then, Armed Forces Day has been seen as the stage which sets the tone for violence, said observers.

For instance, on Armed Forces Day in 2021, nearly two months after the coup, violence peaked in Myanmar. The army was accused of killing about 100 people across the country that day.

The Myanmar military and an ethnic armed group were also engaged in violence, leading some civilians to flee into neighbouring Thailand. QThe following year, Myanmar’s junta chief Min Aung Hlaing vowed to “annihilate” terrorist groups.

During the Armed Forces Day last year, he reiterated that warning to deal with his opponents.

Myanmar's junta chief Senior General Min Aung Hlaing, who ousted the elected govt in a coup on February 1, 2021. As such efforts hit a roadblock sincel after the coup. The army's total strength is estimated to be about 200,000 to 300,000. But the number of troops is depleting due to casualties in the battlefield and through defections.

Recruiting civilians to fight and kill their own people. This is the saddest day for peoples of Myanmar.

Arakan Army Captures Another Battalion HQ in Myanmar’s Rakhine State. AA has taken complete control of the headquarters of the junta’s Light Infantry Battalion 552 in Rakhine State’s Buthidaung Township, it said on Wednesday. AA has also accelerated its effort to seize the junta’s Kyein Chaung outpost on the Bangladeshi border in Maungdaw Township. AA troops began attacking the border outpost almost a month ago and have captured parts of it (Mon), about 100 members of regime’s police force stationed @Tahman Thar Police outpost surrendered to AA after relentless attacks. The AA Captures Another Battalion HQ in Myanmar’s Rakhine State

AA Captures Another Battalion HQ in Myanmar’s Rakhine State. The Arakan Army (AA) has taken complete control of junta’s Light Infantry Battalion 552 in Rakhine State’s Buthidaung Township, said on Wednesday. Ethnic army took control of battalion’s HQ after 32 days of intense clashes, adding that junta’s heavy bombardments from sea, air & land failed to prevent their HQ from falling.

The Unconditional Release of All Myanmar Political Prisoners is Non-Negotiable

Myanmar Regime Lighting Fuse for Ethnic Inferno as it Loses Rakhine: AA Myanmar Regime Lighting Fuse for Ethnic Inferno as it Loses Rakhine: 

MARCH 27, 2024 Myanmar Military Loses More Bases, Troops in Four Days of Resistance Attacks
Myanmar Military Loses More Bases, Troops in Four Days of Resistance Attacks. Weapons and ammunition were seized after the headquarters fell and bodies of regime soldiers had been left behind by their fleeing comrades, the AA said. Some regime troops surrendered and many others fled. The AA said its troops were chasing the fleeing junta troops.

The AA has also accelerated its effort to seize the junta’s Kyein Chaung outpost on the Bangladeshi border in Maungdaw Township. AA troops began attacking the border outpost almost a month ago and have captured parts of it On Monday, about 100 members of the regime’s police force stationed at Tahman Thar Police outpost surrendered to the AA after relentless attacks on the outpost.

The headquarters of junta’s Light Infantry Battalion 552 seized by the Arakan Army in Buthidaung Township on Monday.  The ethnic army said it seized weapons and ammunition from the outpost. AA is also attacking the remaining regime bases in Buthidaung and Maungdaw townships, it said.

The ethnic army has seized about 170 junta outposts and bases, including several battalion headquarters and military command centers, across Rakhine State and Paletwa Township in southern Chin State, since launching a major offensive against regime targets on Nov. 13 last year. It has seized all of Chin State’s Paletwa Township as well as six of Rakhine State’s 17 townships and two towns outside the six townships it controls.

The AA is providing shelter and food to the thousands of regime troops and their family members detained since the launch of the anti-regime offensive.
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Kachin Independence Army (KIA) & allies are capturing a Myanmar-China trade route after seizing nine Myanmar battalion HQ & over 50 outposts in Kachin State in 21 days. 

KIA and allied armed groups. KIA, Kachin People’s Defense Force (PDF), Arakan Army (AA), and other groups launched their offensive in Kachin State on March 7, seizing bases and outposts in Tanai, Sumprabum, Waingmaw, Momauk, Mansi Township and Dotphoneyan sub-township. This latest push brought the capture this week of six outposts around the border-trade town of Lwegel (Lweje) in Momauk Township, the KIA said. Among them were major junta positions at Yaw Yone, Mada Bum and Lodmon, it added.

Lwegel is one of five official Kachin border trade posts with China, intense clashes, adding junta’s heavy bombardments from sea, air & land has failed to prevent their HQ from falling.
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Myanmar Draft Dodgers Detained in Monywa as Junta Conscription Bid Backfires.

About 30 young men were rounded up and detained on Wednesday afternoon in the capital of Sagaing Region after they skipped pre-conscription medical exams, residents said.

Most of the young people selected as potential draftees in Monywa town fled before they could be detained, residents of the capital said, adding that a list naming young people selected for pre-conscription medical exams had circulated on social media on March 25.

Arakan Army has started an offensive in Rakhine State’s Ann township where Myanmar’s regime Western Military Command is located. Ann links Rakhine State with Magwe Region, where the Sittwe-Yangon and Minbu-Ann roads meet.

Clashes continued outside Ann town on Wednesday. Personnel and families from Light Infantry Battalion 372 and a logistic base retreated to the Western Command headquarters in Ann town, the Narinjara media group reported, citing residents.

A military analyst told The Irrawaddy: “The junta’s command system for the whole of Rakhine State would be ruined if Ann falls. It is the main entrance to Rakhine, exposing southern Rakhine State.” As
junta has abandoned Ma-ei town near Ann on the Ann-Taungup Road in Taungup Township by blowing up the major bridge on Ann-Taungup Road and another major bridge on Ma-ei- Kyaukphyu Road in the area. 

The AA has seized Myebon Township next to Ann, encircling the junta hub. AA said its troops clashed with the troops of the junta’s Light Infantry Battalion 563 in a mountainous area in Myebon Township on Thursday morning.

The AA said it killed eight members of around 50 regime troops in Buthidaung Township, northern Rakhine State, on Monday. It seized the junta’s Taung Bazar base in Buthidaung on Monday.

AA has occupied about 170 junta positions, including several battalion headquarters, across Rakhine State and Paletwa Township in southern Chin State, since once, it has seized all of Paletwa Township, six of Rakhine State’s 17 townships and three other towns.
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Myanmar Junta Begins Conscription Early.

Myanmar’s junta summoned enlisted men to training schools and military units in Yangon, Mandalay, Magwe and elsewhere in its first conscription batch on Friday. “Welcoming ceremonies” for hundreds of conscripts were shown by pro-regime Telegram channels. In Yangon, most men were sent to the No.1 Advanced Military Training School in Gyoehpyu, Taikkyi Township.

A Thingangyun Township resident said conscripts assembled at the General Administration Department office since Thursday and taken to the training school in Taikkyi on Friday morning.

In Naypyitaw, conscripts have been taken to No.5 Basic Military Training School in Yay Ni, Yedashe Township, Bago Region. At a welcoming event at a training school in Naypyitaw on Friday on Telegram, “Bullet” Hla Swe, a former lieutenant colonel military-backed Union Solidarity and Development Party, donated money to support the recruits.

Recruits were seen at No.7 Basic Military Training Corp in Taungdwingyi Township, Magwe Region, on Friday morning and at the Central Region Command in Mandalay Region. On Saturday more recruits arrived at No.1 Basic Military Training Corp in Mingone village tract, Hlegu Township in Yangon. Junta officers from the Central Command on Saturday visited No.3 Basic Military Training School in Yamethin Township, Mandalay Region, to welcome hundreds of Mandalay recruits.

A retired army officer in Yangon said medical tests and other physical and mental assessments would normally take a few weeks but junta’s need for troops might mean the processes are rushed.

Myanmar Junta Loses Armory, Battalion Amid Escalating Attacks in Karen State.
Myanmar Junta Loses More Bases, Scores of Troops in Five Days of Resistance Attacks.
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Myanmar military junta said it welcomed the appointment of Yingluck Shinawatra as UN Secretary-General’s Special Envoy for Myanmar. Myanmar has not had a UN special envoy since 2023 and people of the country are seriously looking forward to receiving a new UN envoy to fix their ills.

Yingluck is no stranger to Myanmar; she flew to Myanmar in December 2011 when the country was slowly opening up.

Preventing A Cycle of War in Myanmar’s Post-Junta Power Vacuum is lower becoming increasingly relevant as Tatmadaw withers before attacks by armed revolutionary groups. And as Myanmar’s civil wars change conditions on the ground, this is an important thing to remember. 

The battle to defeat the Tatmadaw may end quickly (or not), but lasting peace will only come when the country’s complicated political and revolutionary conditions permit. In Myanmar, at least six or seven militaries will claim victory if the Tatmadaw collapses.

The Brotherhood Alliance and Kachin, Chin, Karenni, Karen, and Rakhine ERO/EAOs have all won unprecedented victories since October last year. Meanwhile, thousands of Myanmar regime soldiers have defected, signaling declining morale and doubts about junta chief Min Aung Hlaing’s capacity to maintain control. 

At the same time, the military victories have prompted analysts perched in foreign think tanks and embassies to start describing new governing arrangements. Optimism over the Myanmar military’s impending collapse and the revolution’s unity is common. The optimists in particular jump to speculation about what political systems.

Myanmar Junta’s Free Rein in Mindat Ends as Chin Defense Force Resumes Battle.

CDF-Mindat and other stakeholders in Chin State opposed the formation of the council, which is dominated by the Chin National Army (CNA) and elected lawmakers from the National League for Democracy (NLD).

The self-described government consists of more than a dozen ministries including foreign affairs and defense. Under the Chinland Constitution ratified in December, the CNA is the only armed force representing the Chin people, meaning all resistance forces must come under the dire
Myanmar Junta’s Free Rein in Mindat Ends as Chin Defense Force Resumes Battle

The Chin Defense Force-Mindat (CDF-Mindat) said it is resuming military operations against Myanmar’s junta nearly 2-mths after resistance group was rocked by internal disagreement over establishment of a Chin State govt, he state govt was established on Feb. 1 by Chinland Council, was formed under the Chinland Constitution.
The self-described government consists of more than a dozen ministries including foreign affairs and defense. Under the Chinland Constitution ratified in December.

The CNA is the only armed force representing the Chin people, meaning all resistance forces come under direct command of its defense ministry. Amid internal divisions over the formation of the CNF-led govt, CDF-Mindat held a 3-day conference from March 30-April, meeting resolved to settle disagreement & step up military ops with allies, info officer Ko Zalet Thway told The Irrawaddy.

Mindat residents confirmed there have been no clashes between junta and resistance forces in Mindat Township for months. Neither have junta battalions been ambushed, they said.

Myanmar's military-ruled capital is been attacked by drones position. They has claimed a rare mass drone attack on the country's embattled junta govt in heavily guarded capital, Nay Pyi Taw.

The National Unity Govt (NUG) - which calls itself the government in exile - said it deployed 29 drones armed with explosives to the airport, air force base and army headquarters.

The junta said it had intercepted drones, shooting down seven, including one which exploded on a runway. There is no casualties, they said.

NUG represents elected civilian govt previously led by Aung San Suu Kyi was toppled in a coup 2021.
Since then & other opposition groups have been fighting junta regime, who has begun losing control of large areas of country 3-year civil war with thousands kill''s and displaced about 2.6 mil people according to the UN.

Attack on capital marks a bold & rare incursion by the resistance groups who are mounting an increasingly effective opposition to the junta.
Nay Pyi Taw is the centre of power for the military regime which named it the capital, replacing Yangon, after it came to rule. Heavily guarded, it has been shielded from much of the fighting that has raged elsewhere across the country.

Last week, junta even staged its annual Armed Forces Day parade in the city - but event which showcased tanks, armoured vehicles and thousands of soldiers took place at night.On Thurs, representatives from NUG told BBC Burmese they had planned & strategised with several defence grps to conduct drone attacks.
"The synchronised drone ops were simultaneously executed against Nay Pyi Taw targeting both the military HQ… and Alar air base," NUG's deputy secretary Mg Mg Swe said.

The military reported shooting down four drones at the airport in the capital and three drones which it said approached Zayarthiri township. Officials made no reference to the other drones reported by the opposition. But NUG earlier this year said more than 60% of the country's territory is now under the control of resistance forces, b4 Thur attack the regime was seen to have suffered its most serious setback last October.

An alliance of ethnic insurgents overran dozens of military outposts along the border with India and China. The junta has also lost large areas of territory to insurgents along the Bangladesh and Indian borders. The fierce fighting has pushed the junta to enforce mandatory conscription. In February - where men aged 18 to 35 and women aged 18 to 27 - would be forced to enlist.

Observers have said the enforcement of the law reveals the junta's diminishing grip on the country, and the high toll in fighting. There have also been reports of high defection rates.

The Tatmadaw, as however still retain significantly more weapons & more advanced firepower than the other resistance fighter groups. As such, opposition groups have pivoted to using commercial drones carrying bombs to target military holds, researchers say. 

There have been several such "drop bomb" attacks in recent months.


Myanmar's army massacred Rohingyas. Now it wants their help. Myanmar army killed thousands of Rohingyas and drove hundreds of thousands of them into neighbouring Bangladesh, early 7-yrs after Myanmar military killed thousands of Muslim Rohingyas, in what UN called "textbook ethnic cleansing", it wants their help.

Interviews with Rohingyas living in Rakhine State, BBC has learned of at least 100 conscripted in recent wks to fight for embattled junta. All names have been changed to protect them, frightened, but had to go," says Mohammed, a 31yr Rohingya man with 3-young children lives near capital of Rakhine, Sittwe, in the Baw Du Pha camp. 

At least 150,000 internally displaced Rohingyas have been forced to live in IDP camps for the past decade. In the middle of February the camp leader came to him late at night, Mohammed said, and told him he would have to do military training. "These are army orders," he remembers him saying. "If you refuse they have threatened to harm your family."

BBC spoken to several Rohingyas have confirmed that army officers have been going around camps and ordering the younger men to report for military training. The terrible irony for men like Mohammed is Rohingyas in Myanmar are still denied citizenship, & subjected to a range of discriminatory restrictions - like a ban on travel outside their communities.

In 2012 tens of thousands of Rohingyas were driven out of mixed communities in Rakhine State, and forced to live in squalid camps. Five years later, in August 2017, 700,000 fled to neighbouring Bangladesh, after the army launched a brutal clearance operation against them, killing & raping thousands burning their villages. Some 600,000 still remain there.

Myanmar is now facing a genocide trial at the International Court of Justice in the Hague over its treatment of the Rohingyas.

Thailand says Myanmar junta requested 'special' flights near shared border. Thai soldiers guard a river crossing between Thailand and Myanmar in the border town.

BANGKOK: The Myanmar junta requested permission for "special" flights to land in Thailand and repatriate Myanmar nationals, the Thai foreign ministry said on Monday (Apr 8), following clashes in a nearby vital border hub.

Myanmar's civil conflict has stepped up in recent months with forces opposed to the military – which seized power from a democratically elected government in a 2021 coup – making gains across the country.

Blow for Myanmar’s military as rebels say hundreds have surrendered at key border town
Thailand PM says army is weakening after junta requests permission to land evacuation flight from Myawaddy across the border. Members of the Karen National Liberation Army and the People’s Defence Force collect weapons after they captured an army outpost in the southern part of Myawaddy township in Myanmar.

Blow for Myanmar’s military as rebels say hundreds have surrendered at key border town
Thailand PM says army is weakening after junta requests permission to land evacuation flight from Myawaddy across the border. Myanmar’s embattled junta has evacuated personnel from a key border position after hundreds of soldiers surrendered to opposition groups, in another humiliating defeat for the army. The military is now on the brink of losing control of Myawaddy, in Karen state, one of most important border crossings in Myanmar crucial to the flow of goods between country & Thailand. It has been controlled by the military for decades.

The likely loss of township will be just latest embarrassing blow for military, which has also lost control of swathes of territory in north of the country, along border with China & India, as well as areas of western Rakhine state. As hundreds of soldiers defending Myawaddy surrendered in recent days, said opposition groups, while junta authorities asked Thai for permission to land an evacuation flight across the border on Sunday. Thai granted request on humanitarian grounds.
Thai PM, Srettha Thavisin, told Reuters Myanmar’s military junta was weaken.
“The current regime is starting to lose strength even if they are losing, they has no power, they have some weapons,” Srettha said.

A commander of an anti-coup group, known as a People’s Defence Force, who spoke from a frontline neighbouring Karen state told l Guardian 617 soldiers & their relatives surrendered, include 67 officers. Only about 40 to 60 govt troops were yet to surrender, he estimated. The commander, whose areas of ops cover Myawaddy, estimated @least 75% of township was under resistance control. Among the large weapon hauls seized were four howitzer artillery guns, earlier, Karen National Union, an ethnic armed grp has long fought against military for independence for ethnic Karen & aligned with wider pro-democracy resistance, reported hundreds soldiers had surrendered Friday, a battalion based in Thingan Nyi Naung, village 12km fm Myawaddy.

‘We will turn gun on military’: hiding out against conscription in Myanmar As Myanmar’s military seized power in a coup in Feb 2021, ousting the democratically elected govt of Aung San Suu Kyi, a move widely opposed by public which plunged country into spiralling conflict. Many civilians took up arms formed people’s defence forces to fight against junta’s brutal rule, some receiving support from older, more established ethnic armed organisations like the KNU, the military has suffered relentless losses since 27 October, when a powerful bloc of ethnic armed groups abandoned an informal ceasefire and launched a coordinated operation in northern Shan State. 

The military poor morale & lack of manpower, has introduced mandatory conscription to try to boost its troop numbers – a policy that has horrified young people and led many to flee military-controlled areas. They already stretched thin across multiple fronts, under far greater pressure as it began to lose ground, other groups elsewhere too in the country. Commander who spoke anonymously to the Guardian said some of the troops that surrendered over recent days had previously surrendered in northern Shan state in earlier. They were granted safe passage & relocated to Myawaddy, only to surrender a second time, he said.

Soldiers who surrendered would go through a verification process, those who wanted to return to military-controlled territory would mostly be allowed to go, the commander said, remaining soldiers in Myawaddy who were yet to surrender had previously agreed to do so but reversed their decision when reinforcements arrived. Despite the reinforcements, they’re unable to hold their position for long, We can overrun them soon 
Commander also added likely govt military would target their area with aerial bombings. “It’s very difficult to predict their moves. [Junta chief] Min Aung Hlaing is considered a mad dog. There is nothing he dare not do.”

Myanmar: South  central Asia Thailand news

Tee quote summary... Big Grin Wink

1) Attack on capital marks a bold & rare incursion by the resistance groups who are mounting an increasingly effective opposition to the junta.

2) Nay Pyi Taw is the centre of power for the military regime which named it the capital, replacing Yangon, after it came to rule. Heavily guarded, it has been shielded from much of the fighting that has raged elsewhere across the country.

3) Myawaddy surrendered in days, said opposition groups, So junta authorities asked Thai for permission to land evacuation flight across the border. Thai granted on humanitarian grounds. And...

4) [Junta chief] Min Aung Hlaing is considered a mad dog. There is nothing he dare not do.” (Can O-oni run to...?)

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