Liars often use phrases that aim to:

Liars often use phrases that aim to:

1. Convince: "I'm telling the truth, I swear!", "Believe me, it's true!"

2. Distract: "Let's focus on something else", "That's not important right now"

3. Minimize: "It was just a small mistake", "I only lied a little bit"

4. Justify: "I had to do it", "I was justified in doing so"

5. Shift blame: "You're the one who...", "It's your fault I had to lie"

6. Create sympathy: "I'm so stressed/hurried/tired, I didn't mean to lie"

7. Avoid accountability: "I forgot", "I didn't mean to", "It was an honest mistake"

8. Use euphemisms: "I misspoke", "I was economical with the truth", "I stretched the truth"

9. Make excuses: "I was under pressure", "I was trying to protect you", "I didn't want to hurt your feelings"

10. Play the victim: "You're attacking me", "You're so suspicious", "You never trust me"

Keep in mind that these phrases don't necessarily mean someone is lying, but rather indicate potential deception. Always investigate and gather more information before making conclusions.

Liars often use phrases that try to do one of two things:
Make themselves seem more truthful:

 This can include phrases like "honestly," "to tell you the truth," or "I swear to God." These are unnecessary if someone is being truthful, and so emphasizing honesty can be a red flag.

1.Distance themselves from the lie: Liars might use qualifiers like "as far as I know" or "I think" to create wiggle room and avoid being pinned down on a specific detail. They might also use phrases like "that's what I heard" to deflect responsibility for the information.

It's important to remember that these are just phrases, and people can use them for other reasons. But if you hear them being used in a way that seems forced or out of place, it can be a sign that something isn't quite right.

Here are some other things to look for that can indicate someone might not be telling the truth:

Stalling tactics: Repeating a question back to you, asking for clarification, or otherwise taking extra time to answer.

Vague or overly general answers: Liars might avoid specifics to avoid getting caught in a lie.

Inconsistent stories: If someone's story keeps changing, it can be a sign they're making it up as they go.

(22-05-2024, 09:55 PM)Bigiron Wrote:  Liars often use phrases that aim to:

1. Convince: "I'm telling the truth, I swear!", "Believe me, it's true!"

2. Distract: "Let's focus on something else", "That's not important right now"

3. Minimize: "It was just a small mistake", "I only lied a little bit"

4. Justify: "I had to do it", "I was justified in doing so"

5. Shift blame: "You're the one who...", "It's your fault I had to lie"

6. Create sympathy: "I'm so stressed/hurried/tired, I didn't mean to lie"

7. Avoid accountability: "I forgot", "I didn't mean to", "It was an honest mistake"

8. Use euphemisms: "I misspoke", "I was economical with the truth", "I stretched the truth"

9. Make excuses: "I was under pressure", "I was trying to protect you", "I didn't want to hurt your feelings"

10. Play the victim: "You're attacking me", "You're so suspicious", "You never trust me"

Keep in mind that these phrases don't necessarily mean someone is lying, but rather indicate potential deception. Always investigate and gather more information before making conclusions.
Sounds like Ali

No weapons that forms against me shall prosper
No tongue that rises against me I shall condemn 

need some advice on "new accounts are following me" to play the victim... Tongue

“Three things cannot be long hidden: the sun, the moon, and the truth” – Buddha.
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(22-05-2024, 09:55 PM)Bigiron Wrote:  Liars often use phrases that aim to:

1. Convince: "I'm telling the truth, I swear!", "Believe me, it's true!"

2. Distract: "Let's focus on something else", "That's not important right now"

3. Minimize: "It was just a small mistake", "I only lied a little bit"

4. Justify: "I had to do it", "I was justified in doing so"

5. Shift blame: "You're the one who...", "It's your fault I had to lie"

6. Create sympathy: "I'm so stressed/hurried/tired, I didn't mean to lie"

7. Avoid accountability: "I forgot", "I didn't mean to", "It was an honest mistake"

8. Use euphemisms: "I misspoke", "I was economical with the truth", "I stretched the truth"

9. Make excuses: "I was under pressure", "I was trying to protect you", "I didn't want to hurt your feelings"

10. Play the victim: "You're attacking me", "You're so suspicious", "You never trust me"

Keep in mind that these phrases don't necessarily mean someone is lying, but rather indicate potential deception. Always investigate and gather more information before making conclusions.

Replace the 'Liars' with 'Ah Tiongs' and it makes all sense

Just delete old comments to hide their lies... Tongue

“Three things cannot be long hidden: the sun, the moon, and the truth” – Buddha.
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