Death globally, contributing terrible "three highs" (high blood, sug

(16-12-2023, 08:11 PM)Tee tiong huat Wrote:  senior sister boiled two teapots to drink everyday, for me 1 small tea tablet in the coffee or tea cup.

[Image: IMG-20221215-WA0009.jpg]

To ODA TETSURO  -☆☆》Most people vaccinated 2 shots or more in immune system being compromised, luckily I only 2X, protected with natural immunity.

Yes. You 2X nothing happened. Good.

For Me, thk Nervous?. (No) is good to take Dr advice. 

To me. Earlier is better (good) +TCM acupuncture (Yes) too to help me to recover well...but slower abit by bit, it is good enough for me). Thk. Big Grin

I had total 3 Covid jabs, but stopped after experiencing heart palpitations on 2rd occasion. I'm still kana been infected since.....was caused by the two mRNA shots.....If other reasons. can share the causes...After, I kena stroke....Pu-erh tea contains *lov-astatin* 
After that, I kena stroke... [Image: crying_s.gif], i was hospitalizd for 2weeks and I cannot talk properly. [Image: crying_s.gif] I am still trying to be back to nomal 100%, but now cannot, to trying, now a bit like if me taik, it like me  - me wording at stuck... [Image: crying_s.gif] already like, already is like 2 years plus already since the stroke str

(16-12-2023, 07:25 PM)Tee tiong huat Wrote:  Cardiovascular disease kills
17.5 million people every year

In Australia, and around world, cardiovascular disease kills more people than any other disease or illness. More than any cancer, Alzheimer's, or HIV/AIDS.

Every day, the scientists at the Victor Chang Cardiac Research Institute discover more about how to protect, heal, and care for our hearts. You can too.
Cardiovascular diseases are now leadl, leading cause of death globally, and its largest...☆ To 

Contributing Factors are the three terrible. "Three highs" (high blood pressure, high blood sugar, and high blood cholesterol).

Hypertension, ☆ hyperglycemia, and ☆ hyperlipidemia are becoming more prevalent in modern society, and the incidence of these.

Conditions is also trending towards younger age groups. How...?. Undecided

What can we do to effectively prevent the three highs????. Tongue

☆☆ experiencing heart palpitations ☆☆

Stress, exercise, medication or, rarely, a medical condition can trigger them. Although heart palpitations can be worrisome, they're usually harmless. Rarely, (but) heart palpitations can be a ☆☆ symptom of a more serious heart condition, such as an 》》》 irregular heartbeat (arrhythmia), that might require treatment. Tongue

(10-07-2023, 11:36 AM)Tee tiong huat Wrote:  FyI Only *Stroke patient shares...*

3 years ago I was still exercising-cycling and fitness ... very fit and healthy ...

But .. 3 years later I HAD A STROKE ...*

One day, when I stood up, my surroundings felt like swaying and my hands and feet felt tingling.

4 days at ICCU
15 days in the hospital room

Diagnosis results ...
*High blood pressure, thick blood, ruptured blood vessels in the right brain*

Got out of the hospital.
Every day taking endless medicine ...
Various health products ...
Resisting pain, massage, acupuncture ....
Sit in a wheelchair.
Conditions like a 2 yr old child learning to walk ...
It is not an easy condition !!!

I thought ... Why do I have a stroke when I do regular exercise, no smoking / alcohol / stay up?

I just found out the real cause was,
*Long thirst ... lack of water ...!*

Here I want to remind everyone:
Remember to always drink water so that the body does not lack water!
*We need it every day.*

*When traveling out, bring supplies of drinking water*
*There are people who say drinking a lot of water make them often go to the toilet*
  *My answer is...It is better to go to the TOILET often than to get STROKE!*

Please always REMEMBER:
• Before / after exercise, drink 1 glass of water.
• Before / after eating, drink 1 glass of water.
• Before going to bed, drink 1 glass of *warm water*
• Wake up, drink 1 glass of *warm water*
*May we all always be healthy until our old age*

I share my personal experience to advise and for your consideration ...
(If we take enough water, it is not easy to get a stroke)

*Remember! STROKE is no longer just a disease of PARENTS and MEN, but YOUNG children also suffer from STROKE*

*DRINKING ENOUGH WATER is a way of prevention*
"Remember! STROKE is no longer just a disease of PARENTS, MEN, (male or female too, but all) YOUNG children also suffer from STROKE*"

"If kana 🫁stroke. 🤠 am using alot of words from google on my 🤲hand-phone to he🤫p myself this day, alot this day." 🫵🧘

(24-11-2023, 02:19 PM)Tee tiong huat Wrote:  Man just saved a Young Girl's Lifie just in time. Clapping
And this....RIP... Broken_heart Wilted_rose A M’sian Group M-Girls Pose At Wake Of Member Queenzy Cheng, Who Died 40 Minutes After Complaining Of A Headache.

The 37-year-old Malaysian singer was still looking well in an Instagram story she posted just a day before her sudden passing on Tuesday (Nov 28)...  Disappointed

(25-11-2023, 07:06 PM)Tee tiong huat Wrote:  [Image: Screenshot-20231125-164152-Whats-App.jpg]

[Image: Screenshot-20231125-164230-Whats-App.jpg]

[Image: Screenshot-20231125-164246-Whats-App.jpg]

[Image: Screenshot-20231125-164312-Whats-App.jpg]

[Image: Screenshot-20231125-164334-Whats-App.jpg]

[Image: Screenshot-20231125-164400-Whats-App.jpg]

need some advice if 4th high ish highest in mRNA vaxx 9696... Tongue

“Three things cannot be long hidden: the sun, the moon, and the truth” – Buddha.

(26-05-2024, 08:02 PM)Tee tiong huat Wrote:

[Image: Screenshot-2024-05-26-20-04-03-58-f69139...4f144a.jpg]

[Image: Screenshot-2024-05-26-20-04-43-51-f69139...4f144a.jpg]

[Image: Screenshot-2024-05-26-20-04-37-36-f69139...4f144a.jpg]

(16-08-2023, 02:11 PM)Tee tiong huat Wrote:  [Image: Screenshot-20230809-170742-Video-Player.jpg]


Papaya....half ripe one can help too... Big Grin

(26-05-2024, 08:06 PM)Tee tiong huat Wrote:  [Image: Screenshot-2024-05-26-20-04-03-58-f69139...4f144a.jpg]

[Image: Screenshot-2024-05-26-20-04-43-51-f69139...4f144a.jpg]

[Image: Screenshot-2024-05-26-20-04-37-36-f69139...4f144a.jpg]

Papaya....half ripe one can help too... Big Grin
[Image: Screenshot-2024-05-26-20-17-52-15-f69139...4f144a.jpg]

[Image: 20200619-081611.jpg]

Papaya very easy to grow 大家赶快种起来

[Image: Screenshot-2024-05-26-20-33-53-94-f69139...4f144a.jpg]

(16-12-2023, 09:34 PM)Tee tiong huat Wrote:  Cardiovascular diseases are now leadl, leading cause of death globally, and its largest...☆ To 

Contributing Factors are the three terrible. "Three highs" (high blood pressure, high blood sugar, and high blood cholesterol).

Hypertension, ☆ hyperglycemia, and ☆ hyperlipidemia are becoming more prevalent in modern society, and the incidence of these.

Conditions is also trending towards younger age groups. How...?. Undecided

What can we do to effectively prevent the three highs????. Tongue

[Image: Screenshot-2024-05-26-20-12-12-24-f69139...4f144a.jpg]

[Image: Screenshot-2024-05-26-20-33-53-94-f69139...4f144a.jpg]

(16-12-2023, 08:11 PM)Tee tiong huat Wrote:  senior sister boiled two teapots to drink everyday, for me 1 small tea tablet in the coffee or tea cup.

[Image: IMG-20221215-WA0009.jpg]

[29/05/2023, 17:44] Pg (Malaysia): ☝️21:26min Hero of Milan Italy🇮🇹 Dr David Martin👍👏👏🙏
[30/05/2023, 05:18] Pg (Malaysia): Must watch: This is the opening presentation by Dr David Martin on the origins of Covid in 1965 & Covid Vaccines in 1990! He speaks in front of the 🇪🇺 European Parliament International Covid Summit III in Brussels on May 3, 2023. Hear and be shocked..!😯😧

(24-11-2023, 02:19 PM)Tee tiong huat Wrote:  Man just saved a Young Girl's Lifie just in time. Clapping

Cardiovascular diseases are now the leading cause of death globally, and its largest contributing factors are the terrible "three highs" (high blood pressure, high blood sugar, and high blood cholesterol).
Hypertension, hyperglycemia, and hyperlipidemia are becoming more prevalent in modern society, and the incidence of these conditions is also trending towards younger age groups.
What can we do to effectively prevent the three highs?
Let me introduce a method that could reverse the three highs, even if one has suffered from them for many years!
This is a very important lesson!
心脑血管疾病已成为人类死亡的 “头号杀手”,而最大的病因,就是可怕的三高!

Symptoms which make us realize about the presence of deposits in the blood vessels?

- Of there are. The main symptoms are:

Memory impairments
Chronic fatigue
Intimate issues
Eyesight and hearing disorders
High blood pressure
Breathing impairments and angina pectoris
Pale skin on the legs
Muscle and joint pain
Regardless if you have one of these symptoms or not, after the age of 30, it is necessary to cleanse the blood vessels at least once in 5 years. This way, you will have a strong health.

The blood vessels have the capacity of gathering impurities, especially in older people. For it is not necessary to eat burgers or French fries all day long. Even after eating a sausage or a fried egg, a certain amount of cholesterol will deposit in the blood cells, which, in time, will increase.

(10-07-2023, 11:28 AM)Tee tiong huat Wrote:  Sharing FYI ONLY. For info: 
65 years old this year *Drinking Pu-erh tea high cholesterol returned to normal & lost 9KG*🍵? 

Senior sister has symptoms of diabetes at the age of 35 and needs blood tests twice a year to detect her condition.

In Jan 2022, blood test report found that there was serious cholesterol, and index reached 8 mmol/L. Doctor said that risk of stroke was very high; if cholesterol was too high, doctor would usually advise take medicine to lower it. 

The normal range of the total amount should be 3.6-5.2 mmol/L, if content is 5.2-6.2 mmol/L, it means that there is a moderate risk of disease, and if it exceeds 6.2 mmol/L, there is a high risk]
The senior sister was scared and asked doctor what to do? Doctor prescribed 10ml of cholesterol medicine to senior sister, doubling the dose; asked the senior sister to come back for a test in a month.

But senior sister's toes will hurt after taking it, so she dare not take medicine anymore. I suddenly remembered that Master’s YouTube mentioned that drinking Pu’er tea can help reduce cellulite, so the senior sister boiled two teapots to drink every day, and of course also cooperated with gossip.
One month later, the blood test report had good news! Cholesterol was reduced to 3 mmol/L, and the doctor said that there is no need to take medicine anymore. The senior sister is very happy, the weight of 75KG has also been reduced to 66KG, a total of 9KG has been lost, and she can wear back the pants she wore when she was 35 years old!

The senior sister drank Pu-erh tea instead of water every-day!. Tongue

Thank to all, to those interested in Reading

Pu-erh tea contains **lovastatin**

A type of statin. Lovastatin was found in Pu-Erh tea under ethyl acetate extraction, and it existed merely as lactone form in ethyl acetate and methanol extracts. 

Clinical trials have confirmed that statin decreases the incidence of major coronary and cerebrovascular events and this may be due to its hypolipidemic and anti-inflammatory effects.  Rolleyes
Good info....thk. thk. A bit Technical to some. Tongue😍 Heart

(29-05-2024, 06:41 AM)Tee tiong huat Wrote:  Pu-erh tea contains **lovastatin**

A type of statin. Lovastatin was found in Pu-Erh tea under ethyl acetate extraction, and it existed merely as lactone form in ethyl acetate and methanol extracts. 

Clinical trials have confirmed that statin decreases the incidence of major coronary and cerebrovascular events and this may be due to its hypolipidemic and anti-inflammatory effects.  Rolleyes
Good info....thk. thk. A bit Technical to some. Tongue😍 Heart

Me is drinking this, but only one small tea pot only with plenty of it. Thk.... Heart

Someone told me moringa can do the job

At places where vegetables are difficult to grow, moringa leaves and seeds are eaten as veggies.

While they've many health benefits, but hv to eat in moderation because the high level of potassium is very bad for kidney and heart.

A friend was rushed to icu because of that

have to eat in moderation and to have enough rest, walk or go abit more if okay to to big walk. I still have to go for blood test very half a year.... Tongue

(29-06-2024, 08:30 PM)Tee tiong huat Wrote:  have to eat in moderation and to have enough rest, walk or go abit more if okay to to big walk. I still have to go for blood test very half a year.... Tongue

You can jog already ah?      Thinking

 Thinking is difficult, that's why most people judge
                    Carl Jung

(29-06-2024, 08:32 PM)Huliwang Wrote:  You can jog already ah?      Thinking

One to two time a week, ✓✓ 6km,  and ✓7km and abit more-time up to 8 km... Big Grin and do walking and abit big walking (big work) too.

(29-06-2024, 08:30 PM)Tee tiong huat Wrote:  have to eat in moderation and to have enough rest, walk or go abit more if okay to to big walk. I still have to go for blood test very half a year.... Tongue

[Image: Screenshot-2024-06-27-15-56-49-39-6012fa...b265e7.jpg]

(29-06-2024, 08:41 PM)Tee tiong huat Wrote:  One to two time a week, ✓✓ 6km,  and ✓7km and abit more-time up to 8 km... Big Grin and do walking and abit big walking (big work) too.

Ok lah, like that you can live for another 30 years easily.     Big Grin

 Thinking is difficult, that's why most people judge
                    Carl Jung

(29-06-2024, 08:56 PM)Huliwang Wrote:  Ok lah, like that you can live for another 30 years easily.     Big Grin

A good point for me to know... Clapping

"Whereas for brisk walking, you are merely working out a sweat to enjoy the scenery with no need to time anything"....(good).

(10-07-2023, 11:36 AM)Tee tiong huat Wrote:  FyI Only *Stroke patient shares...*

3 years ago I was still exercising-cycling and fitness ... very fit and healthy ...

But .. 3 years later I HAD A STROKE ...*

One day, when I stood up, my surroundings felt like swaying and my hands and feet felt tingling.

4 days at ICCU
15 days in the hospital room

Diagnosis results ...
*High blood pressure, thick blood, ruptured blood vessels in the right brain*

Got out of the hospital.
Every day taking endless medicine ...
Various health products ...
Resisting pain, massage, acupuncture ....
Sit in a wheelchair.
Conditions like a 2 yr old child learning to walk ...
It is not an easy condition !!!

I thought ... Why do I have a stroke when I do regular exercise, no smoking / alcohol / stay up?

I just found out the real cause was,
*Long thirst ... lack of water ...!*

Here I want to remind everyone:
Remember to always drink water so that the body does not lack water!
*We need it every day.*

*When traveling out, bring supplies of drinking water*
*There are people who say drinking a lot of water make them often go to the toilet*
  *My answer is...It is better to go to the TOILET often than to get STROKE!*

Please always REMEMBER:
• Before / after exercise, drink 1 glass of water.
• Before / after eating, drink 1 glass of water.
• Before going to bed, drink 1 glass of *warm water*
• Wake up, drink 1 glass of *warm water*
*May we all always be healthy until our old age*

I share my personal experience to advise and for your consideration ...
(If we take enough water, it is not easy to get a stroke)

*Remember! STROKE is no longer just a disease of PARENTS and MEN, but YOUNG children also suffer from STROKE*

*DRINKING ENOUGH WATER is a way of prevention*

"I just found out the real cause was,
*Long thirst ... lack of water ...!*"

Yes Doç also recommend to eat and build up build up my appetite bcos of medicine...that is me to know. Thk. very one.

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