Top Assmerican officials very busy with Asia!

US top diplomat Blinken to court Southeast Asia in virtual meetings next week

US Secretary of State Antony Blinken will meet virtually with Southeast Asian officials every day next week, a senior state department official said on Saturday (Jul 31), as Washington seeks to show the region it’s a US priority while also addressing the crisis in Myanmar.

The top US diplomat will attend virtual meetings for five consecutive days, including annual meetings of the 10 foreign ministers of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations and other nations and separate meetings of the Lower Mekong subregion countries Myanmar, Cambodia, Laos, Vietnam and Thailand.

Actually this is very good for us. If everyone is harmonious then they don't need Singapore. We thrive on countries' disagreements with another. We're the international pimp  Big Grin
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China should press on and not help America inflation and economically.

再掀南海風波? 美極力拉攏菲越 中美東南亞競逐 2021 0801

US Vice President Kamala Harris to make first official visit to Singapore, Vietnam

US Vice President Kamala Harris will make her first official visit to Singapore and Vietnam next month, the White House announced on Friday (Jul 30), adding that the trip is aimed at strengthening ties with "two critical Indo-Pacific partners".

Her visit to Singapore comes at the invitation of Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong.

Vietnam better be careful else kenna Agent Orange again. Big Grin

Except for the government of Cambodia (but not necessary its citizens), name me which other country in South East Asia likes China?

(01-08-2021, 05:59 PM)winners Wrote:  Except for the government of Cambodia (but not necessary its citizens), name me which other country in South East Asia likes China?

How many countries seriously, honestly like USA?

(01-08-2021, 06:05 PM)cityhantam Wrote:  How many countries seriously, honestly like USA?

At least there are many more countries preferring to work with America than those who can work with China.  I don't need to name them unless you are too blind to see them for yourselves.  China supports the Talibans, thus indirectly supporting terrorism.

Throughout North, South, East and West of China, which of its neighbors like China? Practically none. China will have its comeuppance soon.

(01-08-2021, 06:10 PM)winners Wrote:  At least there are many more countries preferring to work with America than those who can work with China.  I don't need to name them unless you are too blind to see them for yourselves.  China supports the Talibans, thus indirectly supporting terrorism.

USA had a peace deal with Taliban recently. So, is USA supporting terrorism? 

Do you know how many countries support China on Xinjiang issue? And how many support USA?

(01-08-2021, 06:14 PM)cityhantam Wrote:  USA had a peace deal with Taliban recently. So, is USA supporting terrorism? 

Do you know how many countries support China on Xinjiang issue? And how many support USA?

Biden just don't want to waste more time and resources in Afghanistan. 

I sure will also want to know the true figures on how many countries that support China on Xinjiang.  Do enlighten me further if you claim to know so well. Otherwise, your claim carries no truth in this argument.

(01-08-2021, 06:22 PM)winners Wrote:  Biden just don't want to waste more time and resources in Afghanistan. 

I sure will also want to know the true figures on how many countries that support China on Xinjiang.  Do enlighten me further if you claim to know so well.  Otherwise, your claim carries no truth in this argument.

So, USA got good excuses to support supposedly "terrorists"?  Laughing

But for China, meeting Taliban is wrong?  Thinking

You can find list of countries supporting China and  those supporting USA on  Xinjiang issues on Internet easily. If you don't know such widely known and well publicisied facts, there is no point wasting time.

The whole world will be a more peaceful place if Winnie is dead. Of course, there are others who claim that another similar regime will take over, but at least I'm willing to give it a try for a new regime. Winnie is obsessed with greed, arrogance and power. How can a ruler self-imposed a law to rule the country indefinitely?

(01-08-2021, 06:30 PM)cityhantam Wrote:  So, USA got good excuses to support supposedly "terrorists"?  Laughing

But for China, meeting Taliban is wrong?  Thinking

You can find list of countries supporting China and  those supporting USA on  Xinjiang issues on Internet easily. If you don't know such widely known and well publisied facts, there is no point wasting time.

If you can't substantiate what you had claimed, then I take it as a pile of rubbish.  I only respect those who can substantiate with facts on what they say in this forum.

(01-08-2021, 06:31 PM)winners Wrote:  The whole world will be a more peaceful place if Winnie is dead.  Of course, there are others who claim that another similar regime will take over, but at least I'm willing to give it a try for a new regime.  Winnie is filled with greed, arrogance and power.  How can a ruler self-imposed a law to rule the country indefinitely.

Fact :

After WW2, millions of people have died and many more displaced due to war by USA.

Korean War, Vietnam War, Gulf War, 2nd Gulf War, Afghan War, Syria, Arab Spring, etc etc

(01-08-2021, 06:35 PM)cityhantam Wrote:  Fact :

After WW2, millions of people have died and many more displaced due to war by USA.

Korean War, Vietnam War, Gulf War, 2nd Gulf War, Afghan War, Syria, Arab Spring, etc etc

Okay, so you want to talk history. What about the Tiananmen Square Massacre? How can a government be allowed to massacre its own unarmed people? You must be insane if you agree with such a government.

Whatever the case, in this world, everyone can see for themselves that presently, there are so many more countries being against what China is doing than agreeing to it. China has conflicts and disputes with all its surrounding neighbors. Definitely China is not doing the right thing. Its present leader is a Pariah. Why don't someone ever plan to assassinate him?

(01-08-2021, 07:04 PM)winners Wrote:  Whatever the case, in this world, everyone can see for themselves that presently, there are so many more countries being against what China is doing than agreeing to it.  China has conflicts and disputes with all its surrounding neighbors.  Definitely China is not doing the right thing.  Its present leader is a Pariah.  Why don't someone ever plan to assassinate him?

You are blinded by angmoh propaganda!

How barbaric it is to assassinate a top leader of a country!  Angry

Xi is definitely doing something right for China these few years. Most Chinese are ok with him compared to previous other leaders. Why should he step down? It's not as though he needs your endorsement.
[+] 1 user Likes Blasterlord2's post

(01-08-2021, 06:39 PM)winners Wrote:  Okay, so you want to talk history.  What about the Tiananmen Square Massacre?  How can a government be allowed to massacre its own unarmed people?  You must be insane if you agree with such a government.

Your are still living in Agmoh's LIES ah? 

Already confirmed no TAM massacre.

(01-08-2021, 08:32 PM)cityhantam Wrote:  Your are still living in Agmoh's LIES ah? 

Already confirmed no TAM massacre.

You tell me this is of no use.  Tell that to the whole world and convince them.  Anyway, I repeat again, what you've always said has no credibility because you simply cannot substantiate with credible facts.

China is a coward bully. It only dares to find fault and bully its weaker neighboring nations, but dare not to take on the powerful nations on the international arena. I will always despise such a cowardly government.

When more than 80% of the world thinks that China is not doing the right things, Definitely I don't think that these nations are wrong.

Their recent crackdown and impositions on those big Chinese listed firms are not going to go down well by their owners. Li Ka Shing already had this foresight long before and had moved most of his business empire out of China.

(02-08-2021, 10:16 AM)winners Wrote:  China is a coward bully.  It only dares to find fault and bully its weaker neighboring nations, but dare not to take on the powerful nations on the international arena.  I will always despise such a cowardly government. 

When more than 80% of the world thinks that China is not doing the right things, Definitely I don't think that these nations are wrong.

Their recent crackdown and impositions on those big Chinese listed firms are not going to do down well by their owners.  Li Ka Shing already had this foresight long before and had moved most of his business empire out of China.

More than 80%?

Once again, no data, no credible link provided!

I have quoted the counties invaded by USA after WW2.

You can't quote countries invaded by China? But continue to insist that China is a bully?
[+] 1 user Likes cityhantam's post

(02-08-2021, 10:21 AM)cityhantam Wrote:  More than 80%?

Once again, no data, no credible link provided!

I have quoted the counties invaded by USA after WW2.

You can't quote countries invaded by China? But continue to insist that China is a bully?
Actually, I don't need to oblige you because it's freely available on the Web. And this data is only up to year 2020. It could be worse in 2021.

Of course you can turn around and say this is all Western Media Propaganda. It's up to you.  But the world will not believe you.

[Image: PG_2020.10.06_Global-Views-China_0-03.png]

(02-08-2021, 11:18 AM)winners Wrote:  Actually, I don't need to oblige you because it's freely available on the Web.

Of course you can turn around and say this is Western Media Propaganda. It's up to you.  But the world will not believe you.

[Image: PG_2020.10.06_Global-Views-China_0-03.png]

These Angmoh countries represent the world???  Thinking

Or.... you represent the world???   Thinking

(02-08-2021, 11:21 AM)cityhantam Wrote:  These Angmoh countries represent the world???  Thinking

Or.... you represent the world???   Thinking

Already losing your credibility but still want to act tough.  Just like Winnie.  What a disgrace?

Also, from the statistics, all of the countries mentioned have increased their no confidence in Winnie and you are trying to defy gravity by saying that all of them are wrong? How absurd indeed?

Can you show me which countries are in favor of China? I seriously doubt you can even name a handful of them.

(02-08-2021, 11:29 AM)winners Wrote:  Already losing your credibility but still want to act tough.  Just like Winnie.  What a disgrace?

Your list of countries.... almost ALL are angmoh countries!

Not true meh?

In other words, your claim of "more than 80% of the world" is FAKE lor!

(02-08-2021, 11:31 AM)cityhantam Wrote:  Your list of countries.... almost ALL are angmoh countries!

Not true meh?

In other words, your claim of "more than 80% of the world" is FAKE lor!
Talk so much for what?  Show me how many countries are in favor of China first, then we continue this debate.  Prove yourself in this forum first. I doubt you can do that right? You are such a sore loser.

(02-08-2021, 11:37 AM)winners Wrote:  Talk so much for what?  Show me how many countries are in favor of China first, then we continue this debate.  Prove yourself in this forum first. I doubt you can do that right?

Go and search for this :


Don't just lick Angmohs!  Laughing

(02-08-2021, 11:39 AM)cityhantam Wrote:  Go and search for this :


Don't just lick Angmohs!  Laughing

[Image: disappointed.png]dun be so quarrelsome…everyday keep saying lick this, suck that….so bad upbringing
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