Nostradamus' WW3 prophecy comes true

(4 hours ago)luncheonmeat Wrote:  While got alot of "russians" from the hinterlands with Turkic or Mongolian ancestry look oriental, S Korea oredy confirm with their intel the presence of N korea troops both in Ukraine and Russia. Intel from US iz oso seldom wrong [despite the error abt Sadam having a nuclear stash]. Dat iz how Israel manages to whack their enemies , by spying on US intel on the latter.

Russia is rapidly running short of eligible men to fight the Ukraines without depleting their own store of people running their economy. They are even hiring Russo friendly AFrican mercernaries to make up the numbers.
As for Kim Jong On, he is a sociopath who assassinated his own brother and relatives, it shouldn't come as a surprise he would quid pro quo his troops with Russia to keep his country's economy afloat.

"Intel" from US is oxymoron. US intel failed to stop 911. US intel was wrong on Iraq WMD. US intel failed to stop Trump's shooter on the rooftop. See the pattern of failures? 

As for Israel intel, it relies squarely on moles which is mainly about offering millions of dollars in bribes. Thats how they got Haniyeh in Iran and Nasrallah in Lebanon. There was an Iranian high level mole, who has since been purged. 

Ask yourself why Israel intel failed to stop 7 Oct? And why Israel intel failed to catch Sinwar for a very long time? (IDF troops caught him only by chance. They didn't even know it was him & had to do dna test). That's bcos they couldn't fix a mole on Hamas. 

South Korea intel say North Korea sent troops to Russia. But where did Sth Korea Intel get this info? Its from North Korean defectors who feed them info they want to hear. 

You should listen to people like Larry Johnson & Scott Ritter who know how these Intel people work.

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