Gilbert Goh to be charged over illegal protest, refusing to sign police statement

SINGAPORE — Activist Goh Keow Wah, better known as Gilbert Goh, will be charged in court on Wednesday (Dec 15) over allegedly taking part in a public assembly without a permit and refusing to sign a police statement.

In a media statement on Tuesday, the police said that on May 1 this year, Mr Goh, 60, allegedly staged a protest near the Immigration and Checkpoints Authority (ICA) building.

He held up a placard which read: “Please ban all flights from India we are not racist! Just being cautious". It was written in capital letters.

Organising or taking part in a public assembly requires a police permit in Singapore but Mr Goh did not have one.

Mr Goh's alleged protest took place shortly after the Government barred some visitors from India from entering Singapore in response to a surge in Covid-19 cases in the country.

During the course of the police investigation into his alleged protest, Mr Goh had also allegedly refused to sign his statement to the police.

In the media statement, the police said Mr Goh had also allowed a foreigner without the required permit to participate in an event that he organised at Speakers’ Corner on Nov 3, 2019.

A police permit is required if foreigners are involved in organising or participating in an event at Speakers’ Corner.

On Tuesday, Mr Goh had received a "stern warning" over the 2019 incident, which also included failing to sign a police statement, the police said.

If convicted of taking part in a public assembly without a permit, Mr Goh could be fined up to S$3,000.

Those convicted of refusing to sign a police statement can be jailed for up to three months, fined up to S$2,500 or both.

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