17-01-2025, 11:26 PM
(11-01-2025, 09:18 PM)sporeguy Wrote: Even Taiwan passport is ranked higher than China's.https://media.tenor.com/B2DtNN-6l90AAAAM...finger.gif https://media.tenor.com/HhMNTjd_zgcAAAAM...n-dork.gif https://media.tenor.com/2c1Qcz3Dl-QAAAAM...-wayne.gif https://media.tenor.com/Tii3MhKr9voAAAAM...apping.gif
As if anyone cares ... by the look of things the way you amd other silly Billy goats post anti China news really show you all a desperate bunch of people who have low quality lives, not happy with your lives and most pitiful - many of you suffer from depression, your lives filled with angst and bitterness, spent your time digging up trivial news on China - which no one cares or even believe! No one is bothered!