New hotpot in a tent experience found in far-flung corner of Jurong

Fasiha Nazren |  December 22, 2021, 05:51 PM

There's a new hotpot place to check out, and it's not like your regular Haidilao or Beauty in the Pot.

中河小镇网红餐厅 (zhōng hé xiăo zhèn wăng hóng cāntīng, for our non-Chinese reading readers), which translates to Zhonghe Town Internet Famous Restaurant, is a relatively new outdoor eatery located in the far west of Singapore.


The food, however, isn't the main attraction.

The restaurant is located on an open-air second-floor of a building in Penjuru Road, which is somewhere in the industrial area of Jurong.

As such an area understandably has little footfall in the evening, having a meal here is akin to a romantic moonlit dinner especially with the rows of fairy lights (and a little help from your imagination).

Customers can choose to dine in tents:


Or these al fresco heart-shaped seats:

[Image: loveseat.png]

Price, ingredients, address at:

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New hotpot in a tent experience found in far-flung corner of Jurong - by Levin - 23-12-2021, 09:10 AM

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