Did China govt create a massive opportunity to buy China Tech?

Some will see the glass half empty...others see half full.

For me,  I look at valuations. In fact most except for EV companies are just trading at a fraction of valuations of US tech giants.

When stocks are punched down there is always a reason and always so people who argue lthat they are there for a good reason and the negative factors are permanent. Its hard to guess. Was Asian financial crisis permanent? Was US financial crisis permanent? ...when the stocks are low there will be many fearful and bias towards the "worst is not over argument".  But it is totally illogical to day China desires to be tech dominant and at same tune suppressing tech companies permanently.

I pause my China tech investments for a few months when I could not find good bargains ...so I am looking to start buying again.

[Image: HjGRd70.jpg]

I, being poor, have only my dreams; I have spread my dreams under your feet; Tread softly because you tread on my dreams.

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