uncle go for haircut, ended up paying 1.7K!!!!!!

That chabor must have used hard-sell tactics, and the old man happened to be mentally weak....

There is a barber shop run by the Chinese which charged $2 each time if you joined as a "member" by paying $10 per year. Recently, they raised the price per haircut to $3.

After the haircut, the barber would offer to scan my head for me....to look for what, only goodness knows. Chances are that after the "scan" I would be told that I was at risk of losing all my hair due to some deep-rooted monster of some variety and that he had the perfect scalp treatment which would destroy...WIPE OUT...all the little monsters hiding deep in my scalp.

I would jitao walk to the cashier's counter, show my "membership" card and pay $2 (now $3).

And walk out.

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