Just now got this boy push a girl in wheelchair come to sell things

(13-02-2022, 08:52 PM)[[ForeverAlone]] Wrote:  HA, You know what? , God Help me.  Just now I went to kitchen window see downstair happen to see them sitting below. I keep monitor watch the girl got stand by and walk or not.  See for roughly 10mins , they still sit there the girl still sit on her wheelchair.

Just happen I go back kitchen window see again , let me caught them.  I saw the girl stand up and can walk they seem waiting for people come to fetch them.

I saw a Big posh car come and fetch them. The driver seem young and beside got one girl sit beside. I saw this girl can walk to the car just like normal person and that boy push the wheel chair place behind the car. and they go off.

Sorry hor! God is not helping you, but teaching u a lesson, which obviously ur simple mind is not able to grasp its divinity

For example, u purposely look at that watch so that ur uncle can see u salivating over it, hoping he will buy u that watch as christmas present, that is also a sublte form of cheating and deceit

In the first place, every peddlar is putting on an act, be it ón a wheelchair or having a gold laden reception or giving of free stuff to get you to trust them

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