Elderly Woman Marks Her Banknotes With Pen, Successfully Catches Helper Stealing

it's better to be strict and warn them of the consequences right from the beginning, than to secretly set traps to catch them
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Messages In This Thread
Elderly Woman Marks Her Banknotes With Pen, Successfully Catches Helper Stealing - by Levin - 14-08-2021, 01:44 PM
RE: Elderly Woman Marks Her Banknotes With Pen, Successfully Catches Helper Stealing - by WhatDoYouThink? - 14-08-2021, 05:58 PM
RE: Elderly Woman Marks Her Banknotes With Pen, Successfully Catches Helper Stealing - by debono - 14-08-2021, 06:07 PM
RE: Elderly Woman Marks Her Banknotes With Pen, Successfully Catches Helper Stealing - by Blin - 14-08-2021, 06:29 PM

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