Putin threatens the world if Ukraine receives help

putin is insane now, Ukraine received ton of weapons & army from all over the world now, so how? threaten like moron?
all communist country rely on threatening using nuke to extort $$ & bully, Russia, china, NK & more, nothing new, all these axis of evil, use world peace & human life, same as all commie dogs here, hooligan & lies non stop yet morons brainless believe BS.
Putin & China kena global attack now, inside Rusia, russian are in real pain due to economy collapse.
can china forever hide under Russia skirt? 
now Russia can only ask china for military support, no one else now, how china? If china say no, will the fire turn from Ukraine to china?
putin in deep shit, once russian army against him, he is gone. Russian army cannot fight, still want to sacrify their life with global weapons in Ukraine now?



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