Queen Of Canada Is Khazarian Mafia Imposter

Queen Of Canada Is Khazarian Mafia Imposter Says Galactic Federation Of Light And They Do NOT Endorse Her… Capisce?!!
Posted By: Lymerick
Date: Saturday, 12-Mar-2022 11:09:25
March 12, 2022
(IITM: Well… this is interesting… Erena Velazquez is known as the universal channeler and has been providing some very timely messages for humanity this time from the Galactic Federation of Light. The queen of Canada… well… she’s got some major issues… the latest one being that the Galactic Federation of Light DO NOT ENDORSE HER whom she claims to be aligned with!! This is quite shocking but is more proof in a growing list of signs, that she may not be of, and for the people, after all. Many of us really wanted her to be the real deal, but this is yet another sign that she’s not the one who is going to lead Canada or the world, into the peace that we desire. I was joyed to be supporting her initially, but had to withdraw my support withen I read her royal decrees, and saw that she has been talking out of both sides of her mouth. Her inability to manage the finances and the kingdom of Canada website, her refusal to give back donations to her political party, the hacking of her political party website, and she claims to be not political while starting a political party, the bashing of people who question her, are all signs that something is amiss. Furthermore, she lacks the desire or the ability to provide reasonable proof that she is the real deal, while claiming power over the army, the police, and the ‘kingdom of Canada”. Canada is in trouble, we NEED leadership and UNITY. The trucker’s convoy (whom Romana Didulo refused to meet or endorse on camera) is proof that the people can and are willing to unify…. but we lack the leadership that we need… it seems some who step forward are either aligned with WEF or the mafia from hell.

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Queen Of Canada Is Khazarian Mafia Imposter - by singaporean1964 - 13-03-2022, 10:02 AM

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