Pretty Ukraine MM : USA cheated us with "democracy and freedom"!

got morons here believe all thesecommunist videolies by comie dogs here?
use your head, if so good, why all the comie dogs here lick ccpso hard, talk so good about china but none of them want to bring their whole family back tochinato enjoy their slavery life there?
you can only believe all these BS communist video when all thesedogs herebring their family back & live oin china, these dogs dont even own 1 cts of china asset or 1 share of china stock, keep barking lies here to brainwash morons.They allknow the hard truth & china asset willbe worthless, that is why they dont touch but they ask you to sell allyour house & car & buy china stock, bond & property, all these evil liars here.
listen to below video, these dogs here is exactly like below communist hooligan.



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