vaccine got the harmful graphene ocide which main stream 'experts' denied



he’s very good…yes the spike proteins are magnetic but what he doesn’t know is that the spike proteins attach themselves to the nano in the graphene oxide and triton and jump….Nano jumps from person to person and perhaps from person to thing to thing as well… in essence travels, “flies”…. this is what I was told from what is called a “black project scientist” and also my whistleblower, Captain Mark Richards. Richards told me this (about nano “jumping” from a car engine onto a military base from anything that is electrical…a toaster a computer etc many years ago before covid was ever talked about). Understand this is 2 high level sources who have no knowledge of each other and are years apart reporting the same thing…they never needed everyone to take the VAX…just a critical mass….

The above article about Nano… and AI…this is all about the human race coming to terms with dealing with the advent of nano and AI in our lives…. So learning to deal with it is major. Basically the sum of it is this: we are telepathic and so is Nano! Nano takes direction not just from the AI but also from US… so if the infected learn to communicate with their bodies consciously and direct the nano NOT TO CREATE INFLAMMATION OR RESPIRATORY OR OTHER ISSUES… it should obey! Assuming you keep your body away from 5G and other wireless levels including TVs… that are preprogrammed now to carry instructions to give everyone “covid” making people receptive… prior to contact.

These people who are dying are programmed to accept and not fight the nano/spike protein combo

They think they are ‘helpless’ and only the doctors can help them…doctors who believe in “viruses” old school germ theory

They must change their beliefs to get well—KERRY CASSIDY

Messages In This Thread
vaccine got the harmful graphene ocide which main stream 'experts' denied - by singaporean1964 - 22-08-2021, 08:43 AM
RE: vaccine got the harmful graphene ocide which main stream 'experts' denied - by singaporean1964 - 22-08-2021, 08:47 AM
RE: vaccine got the harmful graphene ocide which main stream 'experts' denied - by singaporean1964 - 22-08-2021, 09:16 AM

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