Shanghai's elite are joining hunt for groceries under Covid-19 lockdown

dictatorship like china, no freedom, no choice, only 1 party, no election to select, they are not selected, appointed or use weapons to control, so they dont take carer of people, people is just their slavery to sacrify their life, to threaten the world with BS number, lies.
shanghai covid, all can see all the shit in shanghai, advanced> my foot, worse than india, use army instead of doctor to control covid, by force, life is dirt, only listen, no voice, lockdown mean worse than jail, follow or jail, no choice.
total joke & clown slavery way, never see such rubbish in this world except china, LOL LOL.

李文亮用自己的生命喊出了:“一个健康的社会不能只有一种声音” 。一个不是人民真普选的政府不可能会对人民负责;这个世界上没有一个国家像中国这样在防疫


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