CONVOY OF DEATH Dramatic moment whole Russian tank column obliterated by hero Ukraine

comie dogs here no need to be panic, give a few weeks, russia has no attacking power to take down mariupol, no up to russia to decide, is how Ukraine want to torture russia.
all these comie liars, now no more occupy Ukraine, only want a small place of mariupol & donbass to save face, even mariupol also cant occupy now, RUssia> kana sai!!! after 45 days, struggle yet cannot control 1 inch of land.
mariupol will has final result in few weeks time, be patient unless this comie dpog simpleman want to con brainless here 7-24.
why russia & putin change chief commander in mariupol, obvious, LOL LOL.
russia army kena trap by Ukraine army in mariupol, LOL LOL.



[font=Roboto, Arial, sans-serif]Russian soldiers run for their lives from Ukrainian missile strike in Vinnytsia Oblast



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