22 dead, many missing after 17 inches of rain in Tennessee

22 dead, many missing after 17 inches of rain in Tennessee

22 minutes ago

WAVERLY, Tenn. (AP) — At least 22 people were killed and rescue crews searched desperately Sunday amid shattered homes and tangled debris for dozens of people still missing after record-breaking rain sent floodwaters surging through Middle Tennessee.


The dead included twin toddlers who were swept from their father’s arms


Up to 17 inches (43 centimeters) of rain fell in Humphreys County in less than 24 hours Saturday, shattering the Tennessee record for one-day rainfall by more than 3 inches (8 centimeters)


The downpours rapidly turned the creeks that run behind backyards and through downtown Waverly into raging rapids. Business owner Kansas Klein stood on a bridge Saturday in the town of 4,500 people and saw two girls who were holding on to a puppy and clinging to a wooden board sweep past, the current too fast for anyone to grab them. He hadn’t found out what happened to them.


Recent scientific research has determined that extreme rain events will become more frequent because of man-made climate change. Hurley said it is impossible to know its exact role in Saturday’s flood, but noted in the past year her office dealt with floods that used to be expected maybe once every 100 years in September south of Nashville and in March closer to the city.


The problem isn’t limited to Tennessee. A federal study found man-made climate change doubles the chances of the types of heavy downpours that in August 2016 dumped 26 inches (66 centimeters) of rain around Baton Rouge, Louisiana. Those floods killed at least 13 people and damaged 150,000 homes.


Messages In This Thread
22 dead, many missing after 17 inches of rain in Tennessee - by Levin - 22-08-2021, 11:38 AM
RE: At least 8 killed in Tennessee flash floods during record rainfall - by Levin - 23-08-2021, 08:50 AM
RE: 22 dead, many missing after 17 inches of rain in Tennessee - by Migrant - 23-08-2021, 09:20 AM

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