International Criminal Court: Russian troops have carried out war crimes

Ukraine was declared a crime scene yesterday as prosecutors helped recover hundreds of bodies from a mass grave in Bucha.

Chief prosecutor Karim Khan QC, the first Briton to lead the International Criminal Court (ICC) in the Hague, said there were 'reasonable grounds' to believe war crimes had been committed by Russian troops, who are accused of the mass slaughter and rape of hundreds of civilians.

The senior lawyer's comments came as the first independent report into allegations of human rights abuses also found 'a catalogue of inhumanity' had been perpetrated by Vladimir Putin's forces since the illegal invasion began on February 24.

Expert investigators from the Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) found 'clear patterns of international humanitarian law violations', including evidence of the direct targeting of civilians, attacks on hospitals and schools, rapes, executions, looting and forced deportation of Ukrainians to Russia.

Attacks in the port city of Mariupol, including the targeting of a maternity hospital and a theatre, where 300 civilians died, were 'most likely an egregious violation of international humanitarian law and those who ordered or executed it committed a war crime', the report said.

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