lee sian long warns USA- china is cannot stop one

(13-04-2022, 01:46 PM)kokee Wrote:  look at HSI & SSE, HK & china stock market, how is all these china company stock crash almost 30% in Q1, all know what happening in china economy, alibaba stock down from almost 300 to 70, down 50%, NO, almost 80%, LOL LOL.
Q2 will definitely worse as shanghai covid started big way, plus ukraine war, sanction on china is much stronger, Q3 & so on will be even worse as EU will take super hard stand on china like russia, Europe ready to cut off russia oil & gas, trade with china> LOL LOL.
comie dogs here can bark whatever, look at china stock & property market today, jobless rate surge to sky, inflation surge to heaven, reserved in negative, investment & fund almost all pull out, sanction, frozen & SWIFT waiting for them, LOL LOL.


4大行起诉20万断供房奴,断供潮来了 !请求延迟还贷上热搜!国际订单绕着中国走,唯一增长支柱外贸熄火,萧条的信号全面发出


china economy is diving straight down now with covid & Ukraine war, with sanction ongoing & almost all foreign investment & fund pulling out expedite at fastest rate now, what you see russia today will be china tomorrow, unstopable> my foot.
RMB start their plunge now, when comie dogs here sell all their asset & support RMB to holan.
look at china stock& property today, you will know where china economy & RMB be tomorrow.
Let wait patiently for global to sanction china, SWIFT & frozen per russia today, defintely china will become like NK & Iran in 1-2 yrs down the road.
without technology transfer & stealing, china can go back to their 70s to 80s.
whole world hike rate, china still cut rate & print $$, LOL LOL.
Japan crash it.
world bank also call to pull out from china fast.

资本外流汹涌,这个信号终于来了 !两年来中国经济唯一亮点熄灭,人民币汇率趋势形成!日本网友对中国时局深刻剖析,大批日资撤离!

世銀行長:減少對中依賴 「或對所有人都好」


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