Employers may ask staff who choose not to be vaccinated to pay for Covid-19 testing


As part of efforts to boost vaccination rates, employers may also ask staff who are eligible but choose not to be vaccinated to pay for regular testing, and exclude them from medical benefits linked to Covid-19.

Employers should not terminate or threaten to terminate the service of an employee on the basis of vaccination status alone. But they can terminate an unvaccinated employee who does not comply with reasonable vaccination-differentiated workplace measures.

They added that employers can require medically eligible workers who are not vaccinated to bear additional costs under the regime

For example, employers may recover from these employees Covid-19-related expenses, such as the cost of test kits and stay-home notice accommodations, that are incurred over and above those of vaccinated employees.

The tripartite partners said these expenses can be recovered either through salary deductions or requiring these employees to pay the relevant service provider directly.

In terms of leave, they said that unvaccinated employees may be discharged later from treatment, or may be served with longer periods of movement restrictions compared with vaccinated employees.

Thus, in such situations, employers can deduct the additional days served by a medically eligible but unvaccinated employee from the person’s leave entitlements.

“If leave entitlements have been exhausted, employers may require such an employee to go on no-pay leave,” said the tripartite partners.
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