NEVER SURRENDER Mariupol hero: We take on Putin army with BAYONETS when ammo runs out

(20-04-2022, 03:07 PM)kokee Wrote:  comie dogs dont panic, just 1st day of donbas war, Ukraine said they can fight 10 yrs in donbas.
But if Ukraine can get all the most advanced weapons from US, UK & NATO, they can end fast & even took over crimea from Russia.
Russia weapons & army are total junk lah.
as for moscow, need NATO & US army to join in, LOL LOL>

烏克蘭有機會拿回克里米亞半島?俄羅斯軍隊"無能"令人驚訝!烏"水攻+泥將軍"俄寸步難行 頓巴斯開打 美智庫:俄軍不太可能成功.

moronic comie dogs here, everyday surrender, russia is really panic now, russia only left around 70k of army, finish them off then bomb russia all the way to moscow & st. peterburg, will take sometimes.
well done, Ukraine, such a small country compared to russia.

4.20 【最新戰報!】各國加速向烏克蘭運送戰機及坦克等攻擊型武器,誓將俄軍僅餘的七萬軍隊全殲!


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