中国4月所有數據腰斬,社會融資下降50%, 新增人民幣貸款下降80%

china apr all economy data crash, covid lock down, sanction, Ukraine war, almost all foreign investment & factories pull out of china.
stock, property, RMB, bond, trade, domestic demand & almost all plunges like never before.
borrowing down, HK IPO down almost 90%, no business, no expansion, how GDP can grow? use your common sense.
yet these are communist data, the real fact & hard truth is definitely much worse, norm.
comie dogs here can lie & BS, lick & worship with no fact & truth, self create & bark what they want & like here as no one can stop their lies.

國內消息:4月所有數據腰斬,社會融資下降50%, 新增人民幣貸款下降80%, 同比下降56%。所有投資、需求都在大幅度下滑,企業、居民需求均


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