中国4月所有數據腰斬,社會融資下降50%, 新增人民幣貸款下降80%

not only few borowing now, print money also useless as nothing to do, business or buy property.
now wevn HK IPO also down 90%, almost closed to Xi 0 policy now, no one interested to even buy china company sharers or no company qualify to list now instead more bankrupt, more become penny, HSI & SSE listed company easily 50-90% of them down price 50-90% from top.
almost everything is shrinking, plunging, run road, collapsing, yet comie dogs here can bark everything shoot to sky, lies is free here can bark whatever to con or brainwash due to skin color, spam by whole gang of comie liars here 7/24.

5.22 【IPO被清零了…】金融唔玩完就奇,香港IPO上市集資數量大跌9成!


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