27-05-2022, 05:08 PM
(26-05-2022, 01:17 PM)kokee Wrote: new leak report from xinjiang police documents, scary.
can shoot in classroom if try to create trouble.
xinjiang detention camp of course is not jail, is a re-education camp, why need to re-educate in xinjiang? why is a genocide?
no freedom & human right in ccp china, almost everything must follow their instruction, lawless, can only live the way ccp want you to be.
comie dogs here sure support ccp to brainwash morons here.
New leaked reports on Uighurs in China shocks the world | Images expose Uighurs abuse | Xinjiang
these dogs here sill got shame to put such thread title, totally speechless, real dogs.
got new comie dogs rush in, all these know nut can only bark lies form their ass without evidence.
got morons believe their BS without content or explanation, all these panic & desperate know nut dogs here.
FLG? then F FLG to hell, who bother all these china rubbish.
google below, to to read yourself, ton to read & watch.
「新疆警察檔案」遭曝光 中共「種族滅絕」鐵證如山;「起來!不甘為奴的上海人」 自救會號召抗暴