28-05-2022, 10:17 PM
(28-05-2022, 09:55 PM)[[ForeverAlone]] Wrote: If you say like this must well say we also what
But I prefer non cities area in China
I not prefer Beijing or Shanghai
There is really like SG poor is really poor
Rich is really dam rich
Singapore does not have a 10% corruptibly rich and 50% so-called middle class, and the rest living near or below the poverty line.
Get your statistics right before you repeat your edmw mistakes here. Spore and China have vastly different GINI Coefficients. If you still don't get it, go Google both countries' per capital income.
Observer = KILLjoy = starbugstk = Dan = lvlrsSTI = OWNER.
Trying so hard to find my Archilles Point wor. Hehe