Taiwan on Wednesday reported 88,293 new COVID-19 cases and 122 deaths

The DPP government is completely failed in managing this pandemic, with medical supply shortage as well as their medical staff.

The ART which I shipped early last week has yet to be received by my friend. The batch I sent 4 weeks ago was only received yesterday by my wife, in there include Panadol for fever which is also currently short for in Taiwan.

This DPP administration only cares about their own well being. With their Premier mentioning that he wants investigation on those spreading rumours about many children have passed on. After a few days of public complaints he has since changed that the rumours were spread by the Mainland Chinese.

As of yesterday 2 more children has passed away which brings a total of 12 kids in total in the past 3 weeks. This is citing due to vaccines for kids were not available until early May…DPP government blamed that supply of kids vaccinations were shortage, but the actual reason was that they have not planned on purchase until early this year.

Messages In This Thread
Taiwan on Wednesday reported 88,293 new COVID-19 cases and 122 deaths - by theold - 02-06-2022, 08:05 AM
RE: Taiwan on Wednesday reported 88,293 new COVID-19 cases and 122 deaths - by kangtangman - 02-06-2022, 08:35 AM
RE: Taiwan on Wednesday reported 88,293 new COVID-19 cases and 122 deaths - by Migrant - 02-06-2022, 08:59 AM

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