Announcement of Yale-NUS College's demise was insensible, distasteful and negligent

Confused. Angry. Disappointed. Heartbroken. Betrayed. I felt all of these when news broke that Yale-NUS College will be no more in 2025.

For NUS to unilaterally decide that Yale-NUS College would no longer exist without consulting the hundreds of faculty, staff, alumni, and current students that have put their hearts and souls into its making is such a disrespectful, frustrating travesty.

How the news was suddenly dropped was also so insensible, distasteful and negligent. This is especially since NUS has been planning this since 2018; especially since this is right on the heels of the annual fundraising drive where alumni were invited to donate to the future of the institution; and especially since it is right after the start of the academic year where new students have just committed to its promises and paid tuition, and so transfers out of the college would be difficult.

In the dissolution of Yale-NUS College, NUS finally shows its hands. It’s not interested at all in the intellectual rigor and possibility that Yale-NUS actually brings. The college has, for a long time, simply been envisioned as an experimental institution which liminality is just a part of a larger neoliberal process of “strategic” expansion for the home institution. I think this is why we feel that we were lied to: we were deceived about the transience of our college.

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Announcement of Yale-NUS College's demise was insensible, distasteful and negligent - by pinkypanther - 29-08-2021, 07:54 PM

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