Taiwan's death rate from the epidemic is "the second fastest in the world"!

Taiwan's death rate from the epidemic is "the second fastest in the world"! Expert: Doubled in 13 days "higher than these countries" Chen Shizhong responded

Zhan Changquan compiled the weekly and biweekly COVID-19 deaths in four countries including Taiwan, South Korea, Japan, and Singapore from mid-May last year to June 7 this year. No country has the exact same trend curve as another.

He said,To further compare the doubling rates of deaths in other countries in the world, Taiwan ranks second. At the current rate, the number of deaths from the epidemic will double in 13 days on average, far more than South Korea’s 81 days, Singapore’s about 192 days, and Japan’s about 298 days. At the current rate of death, if there is no stronger epidemic prevention measures, the number of deaths in Taiwan will double every 2 weeks on average.

In this regard, Chen Shizhong, commander of the Central Epidemic Command Center, responded that Hong Kong has been making rapid progress for a while, but there may be more confirmation, but now Taiwan is faster than them, and it remains to be verified.


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