The World Bank says most countries are headed for a recession,

(10-06-2022, 11:23 AM)Yin yang Wrote:  Total blame n cause due to assmerica -too high a debt, tons of  military expenditure like to b kaypoh king, policemen of the world , huge trade balance deficits.,
wrong priority when total neglect in infrusyructure, gun shooting education come first, homeless everywhere...majority citizens grossly neglected ,the rich r the filty rich 10% .
I tell u , the world wud b destroyed by these gun toting v arrogant cowboys , due to ww3 funding supplying deadly weapins rockets to urane, all trying to inflame the already bad situation, adding oil to fire.
Pride comes before a downfall as or simply refuse , believe dat china is one of the superpoers .
Angmos always look down on asians , tink superior race n all other poeople of colour must kneel to them, at the beck call n ready to b shot like red indians .

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