Britons sentenced to death after ‘show trial’ in Russian-occupied Ukraine

that is why Russia & putin are evil devil, only use force & nukes to threaten.
Russia army killed civilians crime only sentence life sentence in Ukraine but these army fight & capture, death sentence in russia, yet comie dogs here mock at them, all these comie dogs are real bastard here, all know who they are.
That is why to deal with such hooligan must be more hooligan than them but the west talk about mercy, law, humanity unlike china & russia, kill with no mercy, real animal, same to all comie dogs here, that is why they are dogs.
If ukraine like russia just shoot missile & rocket into russia & kill their civilians & residential building, no need to talk humanity with devil.
like below china army pilot died, deserve it, the more the merrier till they confess.

Chinese military plane crashes in residential area; one died


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