Taiwan F16V ran off track

News just reported that a Taiwanese F16V had ran off track after landed on the runway this morning, resulted the whole Han Kuang exercise to put to a stop. 

This exercise is an annual event, and with the fighter plane accident took place this morning the whole exercise is being put on hold after investigation is done on today’s accidents. 

Initial report on the accident suspect to have been mechanical faults. The aircraft which was bought back in 1992, with the first batch delivered in 1997. Further investigations will reveal the cause of the accident later.

Messages In This Thread
Taiwan F16V ran off track - by kangtangman - 31-08-2021, 09:14 AM
RE: Taiwan F16V ran off track - by Migrant - 31-08-2021, 09:25 AM
RE: Taiwan F16V ran off track - by Fleetdestroyer - 31-08-2021, 12:17 PM
RE: Taiwan F16V ran off track - by kangtangman - 31-08-2021, 02:11 PM

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