Russia is gaining advantage in eastern Ukraine as forces learn

Ukraine will be on the NATO agenda. As leaders will be keen to demonstrate their ironclad resolve to shield member states against Russia. As Turkey's opposition Finland and Sweden's membership bids looks set to tarnish the show of unity.

The remaining 29 NATO leaders will seek to get Turkish President Erdogan to move towards a compromise and Germany has sought to manage expectations, saying "would not be a catastrophe if we need a few more weeks" to reach an agreement.

The delay was an unwelcome distraction, and overshadows plans by the alliance to unveil plans to bolster its forces on its eastern flank with an eye to facing down Russia in the longer term.

NATO rushed tens of thousands of troops to eastern Europe in the wake of the invasion and members on Russia's borders were calling for major deployments to be stationed permanently as a new defensive wall.

Beyond Russia, the alliance will also update its "strategic concept" for the first time in a decade.
Crucially, it is not only expected to toughen its stance towards Russia but also mention the challenges posed by China for the first time.

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