A NEW COLD WAR! NATO puts 300,000 troops on high alert

The Cold War was actually a period of relative World Peace where all sorts of inventions were born - from GPS to Internet, to microchips to microwave ovens, etc.

When the Cold War ended, and the West emerged victorious, a string of hot wars started in places one after another until today. The reason for these unending millitary adventurisms that keep cropping up is that the West became excessive in using military power to solve every problem. If you are a hammer, evrrything else is a nail. It started whacking the smaller guys just to show everyone else who the boss is - creating a grossly imbalanced world.

Today, a new challenger block has emerged Russia + China = Military + Money = Unbeatable

How did this block emerge? The extreme greed/hatred of the West towards Russia. In the years after the Soviet collapse, Putin offered to join Nato but the West rejected it.

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