Why Trumper will be the next President.


US Democracy Under Concerted Attack

Jul 4, 2022

The American public has been alarmed and aroused by the US Supreme Court's growing extremism. But voters need to recognize the Court's radical majority for what it is: part of a carefully laid plan to turn the US into a repressive regime.

NEW YORK – The United States has been a constantly evolving democracy ever since it was founded in 1776, but its survival as a democracy is now gravely endangered. A set of loosely interconnected developments at home and abroad is responsible for this crisis.

From abroad, the US is threatened by repressive regimes led by Xi Jinping in China and Vladimir Putin’s Russia who want to impose an autocratic form of government on the world.

But the threat to the US from the domestic enemies of democracy is even greater. They include the current Supreme Court, which is dominated by far-right extremists, and Donald Trump’s Republican Party, which placed those extremists on the Court.


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