Govt to ‘carefully study’ possible lease extension for 50-year lease replacement flat

In the first place HDB public housing was to satisfy housing needs of the masses. The linking to wealth creation (soaking away your CPF) was a clever move to ease the CPF repayment towards the retired.

Then the mixing of public housing and private housing price and rental set us all off to an unaffordable living condition. Imagine 20% of private market determined by the purchasing power of the rich dictating the pricing mechanism for public housing. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to know that it can only mean inflationary pressures and sky is never the limit.

Just cut the public housing secondary market and make it mandatory to sell back HDB to govt and affordability issue is resolved. Because the govt will always press down the price they acquire the flats to bring back affordability. Your years of CPF used to fund the inflated prices will just vaporised.

If the choice is not to delink HDB flats from property mayhem then it will only mean more sers issues else no more sers and let the lease term run out. Painful to settle for future govt...
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