Some Asian Americans fear backlash against them over Pelosi's Taiwan visit


SAN FRANCISCO (NYTIMES) - Shopkeepers, landlords and restaurant workers in America's oldest and largest Chinatown reacted with a mixture of anger and apprehension Tuesday (Aug 2) to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's Taiwan visit.


some say they fear that the trip by Mrs Pelosi, their representative in Congress, could inflame anti-Chinese sentiment and trigger attacks on Asian Americans.


A spate of stabbings, robberies and fatal attacks against Asian Americans in the city over the past two years created waves of fear that still grip the community.

Grocery stores, restaurants and shops that were once open late into the night now close at 5-6pm. Social gatherings that once convened in the evenings now take place in the afternoons.

Messages In This Thread
Some Asian Americans fear backlash against them over Pelosi's Taiwan visit - by Levin - 03-08-2022, 03:55 PM
RE: Some Asian Americans fear backlash against them over Pelosi's Taiwan visit - by cityhantam - 03-08-2022, 04:37 PM
RE: Some Asian Americans fear backlash against them over Pelosi's Taiwan visit - by Teeth53 - 03-08-2022, 04:56 PM

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